isnt it great when you have flowers in-flower directly in front of your window, so you can see bees&butterflie

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Image by OutdoorLori
Posted via email from Bee Realty’s Posterous

Question by catweazle: isnt it great when you have flowers in-flower directly in front of your window, so you can see bees&butterflie
flies close up as youlook out of your window…..i dont mean a tiny dried out window box, but something like a raised up trough just out side the window that holds soil and moisture just like in your garden.

i am getting the same effect outside my bedroom window by growing scented climbers that created a mass of flowers that i can see close up like a bouquet of flowers, as i open the curtains in the morning.
i mean flowers that are above waist height right next to the window, which you can see from your kitchen, without having to even be right next to the window.

What do you think? Answer below!

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6 Responses to isnt it great when you have flowers in-flower directly in front of your window, so you can see bees&butterflie

  1. Ah this question explains your lack of tennis celebration enjoyment..;) just messing


    lol..i’m not really a cook, but full points for the gag

    I'm Just A Cook
    July 9, 2012 at 8:02 am

  2. where is the question ……????

    July 9, 2012 at 8:18 am

  3. that sounds so very lovely! good for you that you helped to create such a wonderful scene!
    there is a beautiful tree right outside of my bedroom window, and because i live on the second floor, i see right into the branches. there are many birds that visit..including sparrows, finches, and mourning doves. when the tree is in bloom, i also see hummingbirds! i love being greeted by them’s like receiving little gifts.
    p.s. thank you for sharing such a happy sentiment by way of your question.

    July 9, 2012 at 8:42 am

  4. It’s a great pleasure. =D
    I used to have a succession of unruly windowboxes when I lived in bedsits and flats. My favourite memory is of harvesting cherry tomatoes from two south-facing windowboxes — they were a ‘tumbling’ variety and by the end of the season I was leaning right out of the window to get them.
    But I had basil and rosemary also in the windowbox, and when they eventually went to seed, they were always busy with bees. It was just the most relaxing sound in the world, this chilled-out humming of a dozen or more honeybees at a time, all foraging among the herbs and tomatoes.

    Now I have a little garden, but just outside my front door is a huge clump of lavender. If it’s not raining, I take my cuppa outside and sit on the step to watch the bees.


    July 9, 2012 at 9:07 am

  5. idylic, paints a lovely scene

    July 9, 2012 at 9:45 am

  6. That’s a beautiful scenario. I have a deck that is full of pots that can be changed with any seasonal flowers. Our dining room window looks over the deck and it is nice to enjoy food while looking over those colorful plants.

    July 9, 2012 at 10:41 am

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