Is raising poultry illegal in a neighborhood?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by Dave Malkoff
We raised these ducks from ducklings. Now they still think they are tiny, and still feel the need to jump on my lap!

Question by Lo-Lo: Is raising poultry illegal in a neighborhood?
I live in Indiana and i was wondering if it is illegal to raise poultry such as ducks and chickens in a neighborhood. Three people right outside of our neighborhood have them so i was wondering if you think it would be ok for me too? I am not planning on breeding them or anything…just raising them as pets.
Thanks for your input.
i would only get hens if i got chickens…just to let you know.
my mom said we live outside of city limits…but she is not for sure…also how could i check my neighborhoods zoning laws for poultry?

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7 Responses to Is raising poultry illegal in a neighborhood?

  1. I assume you live within the city limits. Call Animal Control and ask them if it’s allowed.

    August 28, 2012 at 7:37 am

  2. it all depends on your neighberhood’s standerds and wheather or not they have a permit.

    Caylee G
    August 28, 2012 at 7:57 am

  3. It depends on your local city ordinances, or if you have any home association rules. I would not suggest having any roosters. Your neighbors may not be happy to hear the wake up call on their days off.

    Richard L. W
    August 28, 2012 at 8:16 am

  4. Every municipality is different but you can get the answer in your local zoning ordinance. If you had a couple as pets probably not a big deal, having enough to be classified as a farm would be a problem. If you are in a neighborhood with a home owners association they may restrict you on any livestock or poultry.

    I question raising a chicken as a pet though. Chicken is delicious and i would hate to look at my next beer can chicken on the BBQ as my past pet.

    chris m
    August 28, 2012 at 8:34 am

  5. The answers you have received so far are correct. Every neighborhood, town or city has local zoning laws that state what is allowed or not allowed in a particular area. As a Zoning Code Officer, I suggest that you call your local building department. The building department will be able to answer your questions regarding zoning issues better than anyone.

    August 28, 2012 at 9:11 am

  6. It depends on what the zoning is for where your property/house is located 🙂
    If it is zoned non-agriculture then you technically aren’t supposed to have domesticated poultry or waterfowl kept, but I really think it depends on the circumstances.
    For instance, you couldn’t have a large/small scale breeding or egg laying operation, but one or two pet hens I do not think would present an issue. I think the issue would come from crowing roosters that neighbors wouldn’t be too particularly pleased with 🙂

    What I would do is just call your local wildlife game office and see if they can help you determine how your area is zoned and what the regulations are.

    August 28, 2012 at 9:21 am

  7. Since you live outside the city, you would need to check your township and county zoning laws to see if there are any regulations.

    You could check online in municipal code websites such as Check your township and county website to see if their zoning laws are posted. Many of them have zoning codes available to download from their website.

    August 28, 2012 at 9:32 am

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