Is raising a duck by itself bad?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by Cloud Hugger: Is raising a duck by itself bad?
We already have 3 ducks and like 13 chickens that are all full grown but my duck died so I’m thinking of getting another baby duck to raise.
I don’t know if this is a bad idea because I’m wondering if it will mess with the duck’s social issues when it’s big enough to be with the others! I don’t want the duck to be afraid of the older chickens and ducks! Please help!

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2 Responses to Is raising a duck by itself bad?

  1. Lets call the baby duck “Duck A ” and the other older ducks “Duck B & Duck C “.. Put a transparent between Duck A & Duck B ( Or C which ever one is friendlier ) Then wait like 5 minutes and see if theres no sign of agression E.G Hissing , If theyre getting along remove the barrier and allow them to communicate for like 15 minutes , If there are signs of agression repeat a week later & Try with another duck . If this works then no worries withthe chickens , If it see’s that Duck B and C are doing fine around them its okay ’cause Duck A will look upto B and C as a role model , I suggest you introduce Duck A to the chickens a week after you’ve bought it . A day after you bring it home allow it to stay with B and C away from the chickens.

    May 31, 2012 at 9:16 am

  2. I wouldn’t just adopt 1 baby duck, try getting 2 so the babies will have someone there age to play with 🙂

    May 31, 2012 at 9:23 am

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