Is Modern day Agriculture (and its aim for sustainability) in North America at a global disadvantage?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

sustainable agriculture
Image by Socially Responsible Agricultural Project

Question by .j…k….i: Is Modern day Agriculture (and its aim for sustainability) in North America at a global disadvantage?
The government is always telling us about how moder day agriculture tries to sustain as much as it can through new scientific breakthroughs (chemicals, technology, genetic engineering)
But in reality is this helping sustainability ONLY in North America?
Isnt there an indirect effect towards the rest of the world?

..^^ and not exactly in a good way =P

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One Response to Is Modern day Agriculture (and its aim for sustainability) in North America at a global disadvantage?

  1. If agriculture is sustainable in north america how would it effect the world in a bad way? because we are sustainable other countries will model their agriculture after us and on top of that we are sustainable enough to export food to other countries which helps other countries and helps our economy

    November 30, 2012 at 11:32 am

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