Image by Compassion in World Farming
Broiler chickens outside on soil and grass under trees with some chickens entering shed through pop holes. In a Free-range system.
Question by k_erdahl: Is it true when feeding cracked corn to broiler chickens for the last week makes the meat tender and juicy?
broiler chickens are the meat birds. i have heard they can put on more weight and will have tender and juicey meat. i always thought they would get real fatty but they will gain fast. anybody have any info, reference, or websites? your help is appreciated!
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The quality of the meat is often determined genetically. Cracked corn will help them put weight on, as well a commercial ‘grower’ formula.
July 22, 2011 at 12:44 am
Cracked corn or Grits.. Last week will not make any difference. Should have been feeding then grain all along the growing period. Till the day they are dinner food…
July 22, 2011 at 12:59 am
it makes chickens fatty
Rakin H
July 22, 2011 at 1:14 am
It depends on whether or not you are speaking about Henny, Penny, or Lenny, and then there is Chicken Little….
Personally I buy my eats, don’t grow them. But if you are into that, you should have already researched before you started. Poor poor Chicken Little….. I guess the sky really is falling.
mld m
July 22, 2011 at 1:42 am