Question by Eureka!: Is it really bad to feed dogs chicken bones?
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36 Responses to Is it really bad to feed dogs chicken bones?
yes- when dogs bite in to the chicken bones it breaks in to tiny sharp pieces. They could easily perforate tissue inside the dogs digestive system cause infection, internal bleeding..
yes… infact all bones if not prepared correctly can be a problem
boiled bones are weak and will break very easily, chicken (and all bird bones) are weaker because they are lighter so the birds can fly (even chickens can fly… just not very well) – so bird bones are NEVER safe
all bones should be raw or smoked before being fed to a dog and of course it depends on the size/breed of the dog too
Yes. Cooked chicken bones splinter very easily and can get caught in the dogs throat or in their digestive tracts.
Before any freaks out, I am NOT recommending this to anyone, BUT to clear up some confusion…If your dog was running around in the wild, it would eat everything on the kill, including some of the bone for the bone marrow inside. What is the difference? The difference is the bone is raw. Raw bone isn’t as brittle as cooked bone and doesn’t splinter when chewed.
PLEASE, do not give your domestic dog raw bones though. I just don’t recommend that either.
Not if you don’t mind bringing your dog to the ER because of splinters in his intestinal tract and he’s bleeding internally and only sx will save his life. After a bill of $ 1500 – on up, you might feel differently. Peritonitis is another possibility. Or blockage. Your money. Your dogs well-being. Your choice.
Hello- Yes-Yes and YES. Very Bad for them, it can get stuck in their body’s and I mean throat, bowels, everywhere. They die very slowly and alot of pain. Please for your pet,dog,cat do not feed chicken bones to them.
Oh yeah. Between chicken bones’ ability to puncture either the esophagus or the stomach, they can get stuck other places. Story – my old Cocker Spaniel had gotten into the garbage after chicken bones. I thought I got her out of them in time. Several days later, she woke me up in the morning as usual by poking her nose in my face, but what a stench. And she had really yucky reeky stuff drooling out of her mouth. I was worried about a tooth abscess. Took her to the vet that day. A chicken bone had gotten lodged between two of her teeth and was causing a gum infection. Bone removed, gums cleaned up, and $ 75 later we went home. Moral – don’t feed chicken bones to dogs.
YES!!!!!!!! They can splinter and the bits become lodged in their throats and also wend their way into the intenstines where they can perforate the colon and KILL YOUR DOG.
penny que letourneau
November 18, 2013 at 1:01 am Reply
Yes they could choke. I wouldn’t want to Heimlich a dog!
Yes!! Bones, especially chicken bones, should not be given to dogs. They break and are a chocking hazard. Chicken bones are known to be the worst kind because they break so easily.
Go to the pet store to get safe bones for you dog.
My boyfriend and I argue about this all the time. I say not to give him chicken bones, but my boyfriend does anyway. My dog has eaten several chickens. And they were cooked. Nothing ever happened to him. Wild dogs, coyotes, wolves all eat birds in the wild. They are not cooked so they don’t splinter as easily. I would say if he’s a small dog, I wouldn’t give him any. But if he’s big, I would give him some.
Cooked ones yes. They splenter and can tear the esophagus and intestines. We had a dog accidently get ahold of one and got it caught in his esophagus. He had to be rushed to the vet to get it removed.
You can be like my husband and give the dog the whole chicken carcass. We had debates every time I cooked a whole chicken and then he would take that carcass into the back yard and the dog would eat the bones whole. YUCK! After 4 years the dogs are still alive. But I don’t recomend it.
NO, it is not really bad. A dogs digestive system its DESIGNED to digest bones, fat and hair. I have 2 rottweilers, and have from time to time been known to give them chicken backs- yes- RAW- bones and all. Cooked meat, smoked meat is what causes splintering. Do a search of the BARF diet for dogs, RAW food diet for dogs…. If you knew what goes into commercial dog food- it would make you sick. Especially the cheap brands. I have not had any problems thus far. My female is 5, my male is 1.5 years old. Do what you want to do, its your dog.
I think that it is bad to feed a dog chicken bones because they can probably choke on them or the bones could get stuck on the dogs throat and he may die. i think that you shouldn’t feed a dog anything with bones in it. So i think that you should stop before your dog gets hurt or something bad happens to him/her.
Yes! Chicken bones are very soft and brittle. Pieces can be very sharp and can get caught in your dogs throat causing them them to choke, or puncture their throats, intestines, etc. I suggest you go to the butcher and get a bag of beef bones..really thick ones. This way your dog will have a tougher time breaking pieces off the bone. These bones will keep his chewing craving satisfied, his teeth sparkly white and his breath fresh. And, I’ll bet that’s something your vet wouldn’t tell you…the better to charge you for dentistry!
Yes, of course you can give (raw) chicken bones to a dog.
Dogs evolved eating the whole carcass of an animal, this included the bones. A dogs digestive system is radically different to that of a human in several ways.
1) In dogs digestion begins in the stomach, not in the mouth as in humans. Dogs don’t need to chew to begin digestion. (They do chew/bite to get food into the right size to pass down the esophagus).
2) The acid in a dogs stomach at least twice as strong as that in a human This acid dissolves bones and gristle very quickly.
Raw, soft, pliable bones such as those from rabbit, chicken, even lamb are quite suitable to feed to a dog. On the other hand cooked bones are difficult for a dog to digest and can splinter into shards which could cause damage.
I have fed 3 German Shepherds raw meat and bones for many years. I have yet to see first hand any real problems from this method of feeding other than the urban myths and mistruths quoted on the internet. (Propagated by the commercial food producers)
November 18, 2013 at 7:12 am Reply
No, not if they are raw and the small parts. Wings, necks and backs. I feed this way occassionally. Cooked chicken bones become brittle and create shards, which can get stuck or lacerate the esophogus and or cause a blockage. Raw small part okay.
I have heard that if they are raw bones its not as bad as if they are cooked. Cooked bones make the bone more brittle and easilly shattered and spliter.
In nature, fowl is one of the preys of wild dogs and dingos, so eatting their bones and such prolly provide them with calcium… but I doubt dingos have a gas/electric stove to soften down the bones
Yes, it is. Please don’t do this.
The Muse
November 17, 2013 at 5:09 pm
Yes, the chicken bones can splinter inside your dog and cause huge problems. Don’t do it.
November 17, 2013 at 6:08 pm
Not as bad as feeding chickens dog bones…
mark leshark
November 17, 2013 at 6:32 pm
Yes it is they splinter and cut up the insides of your dog if you are doing this I recommend you stop before you do anymore damage then you have
November 17, 2013 at 7:03 pm
they splinter and cause internal bleeding
November 17, 2013 at 7:37 pm
It is bad, they can injure your dog.
It’s better to just give them some of your own chicken
or buy treats for them.
November 17, 2013 at 8:30 pm
not big bones
but you shouldnt feed a dog small bones
because dogs dont chew stuff up most of the time they just swallow
ask your vet if its okay!
November 17, 2013 at 8:40 pm
yes- when dogs bite in to the chicken bones it breaks in to tiny sharp pieces. They could easily perforate tissue inside the dogs digestive system cause infection, internal bleeding..
November 17, 2013 at 8:49 pm
Yes, they can splinter your dogs mouth, and they are easy to choke on.
November 17, 2013 at 9:00 pm
yes… infact all bones if not prepared correctly can be a problem
boiled bones are weak and will break very easily, chicken (and all bird bones) are weaker because they are lighter so the birds can fly (even chickens can fly… just not very well) – so bird bones are NEVER safe
all bones should be raw or smoked before being fed to a dog and of course it depends on the size/breed of the dog too
November 17, 2013 at 9:54 pm
yes because they can and will splinter.
November 17, 2013 at 10:51 pm
Yes. Cooked chicken bones splinter very easily and can get caught in the dogs throat or in their digestive tracts.
Before any freaks out, I am NOT recommending this to anyone, BUT to clear up some confusion…If your dog was running around in the wild, it would eat everything on the kill, including some of the bone for the bone marrow inside. What is the difference? The difference is the bone is raw. Raw bone isn’t as brittle as cooked bone and doesn’t splinter when chewed.
PLEASE, do not give your domestic dog raw bones though. I just don’t recommend that either.
Good luck and Take Care
November 17, 2013 at 11:01 pm
not really, dogs can eat anything even plastics, wood, depends if let the dogs eat things when they r young. goodluck!
November 17, 2013 at 11:02 pm
Not a good idea to give your dog chicken bones. Chicken bones splinter and can cause some serious problems for your dog.
November 17, 2013 at 11:33 pm
Not if you don’t mind bringing your dog to the ER because of splinters in his intestinal tract and he’s bleeding internally and only sx will save his life. After a bill of $ 1500 – on up, you might feel differently. Peritonitis is another possibility. Or blockage. Your money. Your dogs well-being. Your choice.
November 17, 2013 at 11:35 pm
Hello- Yes-Yes and YES. Very Bad for them, it can get stuck in their body’s and I mean throat, bowels, everywhere. They die very slowly and alot of pain. Please for your pet,dog,cat do not feed chicken bones to them.
November 17, 2013 at 11:39 pm
Oh yeah. Between chicken bones’ ability to puncture either the esophagus or the stomach, they can get stuck other places. Story – my old Cocker Spaniel had gotten into the garbage after chicken bones. I thought I got her out of them in time. Several days later, she woke me up in the morning as usual by poking her nose in my face, but what a stench. And she had really yucky reeky stuff drooling out of her mouth. I was worried about a tooth abscess. Took her to the vet that day. A chicken bone had gotten lodged between two of her teeth and was causing a gum infection. Bone removed, gums cleaned up, and $ 75 later we went home. Moral – don’t feed chicken bones to dogs.
November 17, 2013 at 11:59 pm
Chicken and pork bones have a tendency to splinter while the dog is chewing them, and sometimes get caught in the dog’s throat.
November 18, 2013 at 12:22 am
YES!!!!!!!! They can splinter and the bits become lodged in their throats and also wend their way into the intenstines where they can perforate the colon and KILL YOUR DOG.
penny que letourneau
November 18, 2013 at 1:01 am
Yes they could choke. I wouldn’t want to Heimlich a dog!
Haggard Hag
November 18, 2013 at 1:33 am
Yes!! Bones, especially chicken bones, should not be given to dogs. They break and are a chocking hazard. Chicken bones are known to be the worst kind because they break so easily.
Go to the pet store to get safe bones for you dog.
November 18, 2013 at 2:20 am
Yes, they are bad for ant dog doesn’t matter what kind of dog it is.
fonda b
November 18, 2013 at 3:10 am
My boyfriend and I argue about this all the time. I say not to give him chicken bones, but my boyfriend does anyway. My dog has eaten several chickens. And they were cooked. Nothing ever happened to him. Wild dogs, coyotes, wolves all eat birds in the wild. They are not cooked so they don’t splinter as easily. I would say if he’s a small dog, I wouldn’t give him any. But if he’s big, I would give him some.
November 18, 2013 at 3:27 am
Cooked ones yes. They splenter and can tear the esophagus and intestines. We had a dog accidently get ahold of one and got it caught in his esophagus. He had to be rushed to the vet to get it removed.
November 18, 2013 at 3:28 am
You can be like my husband and give the dog the whole chicken carcass. We had debates every time I cooked a whole chicken and then he would take that carcass into the back yard and the dog would eat the bones whole. YUCK! After 4 years the dogs are still alive. But I don’t recomend it.
hard rock girl
November 18, 2013 at 4:05 am
ya cause the bones splinter and causes the dog to choke to death
November 18, 2013 at 4:45 am
i recommend that give only the cartilage not the whole bone of the chicken…
November 18, 2013 at 5:01 am
NO, it is not really bad. A dogs digestive system its DESIGNED to digest bones, fat and hair. I have 2 rottweilers, and have from time to time been known to give them chicken backs- yes- RAW- bones and all. Cooked meat, smoked meat is what causes splintering. Do a search of the BARF diet for dogs, RAW food diet for dogs…. If you knew what goes into commercial dog food- it would make you sick. Especially the cheap brands. I have not had any problems thus far. My female is 5, my male is 1.5 years old. Do what you want to do, its your dog.
November 18, 2013 at 5:30 am
I think that it is bad to feed a dog chicken bones because they can probably choke on them or the bones could get stuck on the dogs throat and he may die. i think that you shouldn’t feed a dog anything with bones in it. So i think that you should stop before your dog gets hurt or something bad happens to him/her.
November 18, 2013 at 5:35 am
Yes! Chicken bones are very soft and brittle. Pieces can be very sharp and can get caught in your dogs throat causing them them to choke, or puncture their throats, intestines, etc. I suggest you go to the butcher and get a bag of beef bones..really thick ones. This way your dog will have a tougher time breaking pieces off the bone. These bones will keep his chewing craving satisfied, his teeth sparkly white and his breath fresh. And, I’ll bet that’s something your vet wouldn’t tell you…the better to charge you for dentistry!
Linda K
November 18, 2013 at 5:48 am
Yes, of course you can give (raw) chicken bones to a dog.
Dogs evolved eating the whole carcass of an animal, this included the bones. A dogs digestive system is radically different to that of a human in several ways.
1) In dogs digestion begins in the stomach, not in the mouth as in humans. Dogs don’t need to chew to begin digestion. (They do chew/bite to get food into the right size to pass down the esophagus).
2) The acid in a dogs stomach at least twice as strong as that in a human This acid dissolves bones and gristle very quickly.
Raw, soft, pliable bones such as those from rabbit, chicken, even lamb are quite suitable to feed to a dog. On the other hand cooked bones are difficult for a dog to digest and can splinter into shards which could cause damage.
I have fed 3 German Shepherds raw meat and bones for many years. I have yet to see first hand any real problems from this method of feeding other than the urban myths and mistruths quoted on the internet. (Propagated by the commercial food producers)
Phil H
November 18, 2013 at 6:26 am
yes, they splinter off in there throat
November 18, 2013 at 7:12 am
No, not if they are raw and the small parts. Wings, necks and backs. I feed this way occassionally. Cooked chicken bones become brittle and create shards, which can get stuck or lacerate the esophogus and or cause a blockage. Raw small part okay.
November 18, 2013 at 7:49 am
NEVER GIVE YOUR DOG CHICKEN BONES. They can splinter and tear up your dogs insides. Cow knuckle bones are good though.
November 18, 2013 at 8:25 am
yes it will kill them
November 18, 2013 at 8:40 am
I have heard that if they are raw bones its not as bad as if they are cooked. Cooked bones make the bone more brittle and easilly shattered and spliter.
In nature, fowl is one of the preys of wild dogs and dingos, so eatting their bones and such prolly provide them with calcium… but I doubt dingos have a gas/electric stove to soften down the bones
Jampa G
November 18, 2013 at 8:46 am