Is it okay to have one end of a chicken coop covered by mesh wire, yet open to the elements?

Filed under: Poultry |

chicken coop
Image by Moosicorn
Building our chicken coop.

Moosicorn Ranch is an experiment in sustainable living

Question by colorhappy: Is it okay to have one end of a chicken coop covered by mesh wire, yet open to the elements?
My husband built a wooden chicken coop, and one end is covered with chicken wire mesh. Is that going to be secure and warm enough? Or should the whole coop be enclosed by wood?

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3 Responses to Is it okay to have one end of a chicken coop covered by mesh wire, yet open to the elements?

  1. It really depends on where you live. In the northern part of the country, it will not be warm enough for them. You’ll just have to put some wood over the mesh, that should be okay.

    Bobby D
    January 31, 2012 at 8:59 am

  2. As the fellow before me said, it depends on the region you’re in at least for the “warmth.” But what about the rain? There really should be a small shelter for the birds to protect them from the elements. Hens don’t like to be roasted by the sun, they need shade nor do they like to be in the rain. Where are they supposed to be laying their eggs? Do you have nest boxes set up for them?

    Elusive in the Middle of Nowhere
    January 31, 2012 at 9:20 am

  3. This is how I have my coop set up in the summer. During the winter, I just cover that end up with a sheet of plywood to help the chickens keep warm. But you have to consider what type of climate you live in. If you have cool summers and freezing winters, you might want to take a different route.

    January 31, 2012 at 9:37 am

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