Is it okay to feed an orphaned mouse cold milk?

Filed under: Goats |

goat milk
Image by tiny banquet committee

Question by IceAngel: Is it okay to feed an orphaned mouse cold milk?
We have two orphaned mice (about 9 days old) and i have them on goats milk. I warm the milk up and put it in a warm water bath but by the time i get to the second mouse the milk (and water) is already cold. This happens within 5-10 minutes. They both seem to be doing okay though.

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3 Responses to Is it okay to feed an orphaned mouse cold milk?

  1. i would just take a break and warm it up again

    January 23, 2013 at 4:19 am

  2. kill them.seriously.they could be sick and infect you. or just flush them down the toilet.

    January 23, 2013 at 4:35 am

  3. It’s “okay” though it is more natural for them if it’s warm. Also being that they are so small the heat from the milk will help them maintain their body heat as they consume it and the heat will cut down on any bacteria that may be in it. I would suggest either reheating the milk before feeding the second mouse or heat the second mouse’s milk hotter than the first. Then by the time you get to it to feed it will have cooled enough to feed but still be warm. Be sure to do a wrist check first though! Too hot and you can cause serious injury/death. And best of luck with hand feeding! It’s a bit time consuming and at times, frustrating but well worth it in the end.

    January 23, 2013 at 4:57 am

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