Image by neotint
neighbor’s backyard chicken coop. minding the chickens while they are out of town = yummy fresh laid eggs!
Question by Daria: Is it legal to own chickens in your backyard in Indiana?
I’ve always wanted chickens. I’m great with animals and I love them oh so much. I would want to have them for eggs. My family and I are all about the free range, local, grade A, large, brown eggs. An this way, we could do that. Im just wondering and doing a little research to see what it would be like to have them. And I need your help! So can anyone help me with this one?
Thanks so much!
Feel free to answer in the comment section below
check with your city laws regarding livestock within city limits. If you’re outside of the limit then i’d say you’re fine. but double check to make sure. chickens are cool and depending on how many and what breed you get you’ll have more than enough eggs. some good layers are buff orpingtons, barred plymouth rocks, white leghorns, and rhode island reds
March 13, 2013 at 9:35 am