Is it illigal to take a baby turkey away from their natural habitat?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by Taryn: Is it illigal to take a baby turkey away from their natural habitat?
The people my mom work for went hunting a few days ago and found 2 turkey pullets, they took the home intention to kill and eat there. The wife said no and offered to us.. We were just wondering if its illigal?

And what would you do.. Raise and Release? or take to a wild bird rescue?

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2 Responses to Is it illigal to take a baby turkey away from their natural habitat?

  1. It would be a good idea to take to a wild bird rescue for immediate help, then maybe they can tell you what is the best environment for the turkey. I don’t think it’s illegal if the birds are going to die if left alone-they need to be with other turkeys-the bird rescue people are the best bet to ask about this-call them!Thank you for your caring attitude and hope it all works out well for the baby turkeys!

    March 17, 2013 at 1:22 am

  2. The bird rescue should know what to do.
    The birdies usually cannot live alone without other birds of their species but now it’s too dangerous to simply let them into the wild.

    Contact the rescue workers!
    Good luck, it’s very humane of you to care, peace!

    March 17, 2013 at 1:47 am

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