I’m getting another goat tomorrow. How should I introduce them to eachother?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by Linn County Fair
2010 4-H/FFA Dairy Goat Show – Photos courtesy of Todd Hunt & Dae Ann Holub

Question by iluvmihorse12: I’m getting another goat tomorrow. How should I introduce them to eachother?
My goat I have now has not been around other goats for a while. I have a doe ( girl ) and am getting another doe. What will they act like when they first meet each other? How should I introduce them to eachother? I’m getting another goat because the one I have now is lonely.
I’M BEING SERIOUS! Gosh you people are rude!

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8 Responses to I’m getting another goat tomorrow. How should I introduce them to eachother?

  1. If it were a male and a male, I would understand your worry, but females should be tame around each other. I say, get a friend to put one in a leash or a harness and you get the other one and introduce them to each other slowly. If they have negative reactions, pull them back and try again until they take well to each other.

    Cat G
    November 10, 2013 at 4:19 am

  2. Take the new goat to the old goat – ask the old goat to look at u. Point ur finger at the new goat and say Maee Me MAEE Meeene (This is your friend). BTW i came across this translation from a goat keeper like u

    November 10, 2013 at 4:29 am

  3. Put a blind fold around your old goats eyes, then put the new goat in front of him. As you’re removing the blind fold from your old goat tell him you don’t love him anymore and that you can’t sell him cause he’s too ugly so you decised to get another one that’s less ugly.

    November 10, 2013 at 5:24 am

  4. Ice cream social

    November 10, 2013 at 5:46 am

  5. say “hey ya’ll this is carl” and then say “carl this is joanna, joe, deer, and waffle”

    November 10, 2013 at 6:33 am

  6. It really depends on your girl’s personality. Usually you wait a week and keep them separate. This is to check and see if the new doe is really healthy and it gives her a chance to get used to the place. Plus she will bond with you a little better as well.

    When they do meet, just put them together. They are very hardy and can take a hit if that happens. They will butt heads and determine who is boss. Just watch them and make sure neither is hooked, or even stabbed by the horns…that is if your girls have horns. They will get used to each other, but it takes time. Some older dominate does will bite other younger does’ ears to keep them in check. I have one girl who I bought with bite marks all over her ears and chunks missing. But it isn’t life threatening.

    I would wait the week and then just let them in together in a large area to give each enough room for their own ‘space’.

    November 10, 2013 at 7:30 am

  7. Goats like many animals will develop a “pecking order”. Dominate goat wins…Neutral areas are best.. where the older (dominate) goat does not already have an area (territory). They will generally butt head with hackles up. Don’t worry.. just give them time..If the new goat is little give them plenty of space to get out of the way.

    Nanette B
    November 10, 2013 at 7:59 am

  8. I own and operate a goat dairy farm. When I get a new goat I just put it in with the herd. I have tried introducing them slow and through the fence for a while and so on, but my other goats still butt heads with the new one for a while.As long as the other goat is healthy this should be fine to do. They will probably butt each other around for a while and even though it can sound and look scarey when they first meet they will be fine. Goats are herd animals and within a couple days all the fighting will be forgotten and they will get along just fine. There still may be some commotion at feeding time for a while because of the pecking order. The goat that has been by itself will probably enjoy the company.

    November 10, 2013 at 8:36 am

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