if the evolution theory is correct how did the 2 sexes originate?

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Question by 786123: if the evolution theory is correct how did the 2 sexes originate?
and also how come males are physically stronger than females pound for pound

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7 Responses to if the evolution theory is correct how did the 2 sexes originate?

  1. < >

    Incrementally from ancestors that, although non-sexual, already participated in genetic exchange as, indeed, many non-sexually reproducing single-celled thingies still do.

    October 8, 2013 at 8:05 pm

  2. genetic exchange is nearly as old as evolution itself – bacteria exchange portions of DNA. Cumulative changes developed two types of forms to undertake this genetic exchange: a “donor” (male) and a “receiver” (female). It is possible to observe all stages in this development in living species today.

    Males are, in general, stronger than females because males can mate more than once… and with multiple females. This means that:-
    (a) they must have greater stamina and strength; and
    (b) they must be able to compete with other males for the right to mate.

    The statement “males are stronger than females” is a poor generalisation and there are many – exceptions, notably spiders, whales, and some species of fish

    The fact that you personally apparently cannot understand one aspect of evolution, such as the evolution of separate genders, does not disprove evolution and in no way justifies use of the first six words of your question.

    October 8, 2013 at 8:20 pm

  3. Sexual differentiation arose early in evolutionary development because genetic material from two individuals provides more gene mixing and therefore more opportunities for advancement (or regression) than cloning (or asexual reproduction alone). Males are typically stronger because of their role in mating providing food for the mate and children and the process of the female selecting a mate by choosing the victor in combat. Some males are much smaller (think of spiders) that mate and are eaten.

    October 8, 2013 at 8:21 pm

  4. A number for a name; another Dembski troll?

    Have you even read up at all on the evolution of sex? Try this link and references therein:



    and don’t pretend that your ignorance or that of your puppetmaster is any kind of argument.

    Facts Matter
    October 8, 2013 at 8:37 pm

  5. Gender biased size dimorphism is caused by sexual selection for longer growth periods or delayed male physical maturity.

    1. Relative growth rates over the time to maturity -mammals
    2. Relative length of growth periods. Protandry is where males emerge first in spring or arrive first to establish territories. Arthropods species where males possess shorter growth periods than females so are smaller at maturity

    Mammal species with gender size dimorphism (males averaging larger than females) results from sexual selection.
    Male size is usually the result of male-to-male competition for females. The greater the gender size difference the greater the degree of polygyny (male pinniped seals gain harems).
    Gender size differences tend to be less in species with males that fight for only a few chances to reproduce, as with carnivores. The carnivore exception that exemplifies the generalization is leonine dimorphisms being greater than other feline species and lions having prides.

    Females remain smaller than males by selection pressures relating to fecundity, relative body sizes with young at birth and degree of dependency by the young. Interbirth interval, litter number & weaning age all play a part in adult maternal body weight.

    Monogamous species have little size dimorphism between genders. Monogamy exists in social species with fairly equivalent gender inputs in the cost of parental care in raising at least a single brood. Male & female have equivalent reproductive success and little gender dimorphism.
    Monogamy may result from a breeding season that occurs when food is limiting factor. Food is scarce so it requires two adults to find and bring in sufficient food to raise the brood.

    Arthropod sexual dimorphism varies by Taxa:
    1. In beetles (Coleptera) and water striders (Heteroptera) the sexes have similar growth periods
    2. In two types of flies (Diptera) males show longer growth periods than females)
    3. In some spiders, Lepidoptera (butterflies & moths), and Hymenoptera (bees, ants and wasps) males possess shorter growth periods than females. Many but not all species show a size dimorphism due to protandry.

    Males may remain smaller because male gonads and genitalia require more time to mature or males may have emerged first in spring so have less time than females to mature.

    October 8, 2013 at 9:18 pm

  6. Probably from defective hermaphrodites — and this has occurred more than once.

    > how come males are physically stronger than females pound for pound
    Mate competition. Males are more likely to do the competing because females are conserving energy to support a pregnancy (or for making eggs).

    October 8, 2013 at 9:43 pm

  7. It is probable that the evolutionary theory is correct.
    When god removed Adam and Eve from the garden of eden, they went forth and multiplied.
    Their offspring must have cohabited in order to have produced the earth’s population.
    It is well known that incest can produce some genetic faults so perhaps these sort of questions
    are the product of such a situation.

    October 8, 2013 at 10:40 pm

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