Question by Fancy That: If one wants to start beekeeping, where does one get the bees?
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2 Responses to If one wants to start beekeeping, where does one get the bees?
local beekeepers,look on internet,your brave if ye wanna do that(im terrifed of bees/wasps/hornets etc)
There is a mite that is infecting and wiping out bee colonies all over the world. Australia is the only country in the world free from this mite. We are exporting bees to the rest of the world. There is no treatment for this mite at this stage. If all the bees in the world die, they estimate the population of the entire world would be dead from hunger within about 5 years. This is why we have such strict quarantine laws in Australia and why we are free of so many diseases that affect the rest of the world. Look up apiarists and see if they want to sell you a hive.
local beekeepers,look on internet,your brave if ye wanna do that(im terrifed of bees/wasps/hornets etc)
elayne y
December 7, 2011 at 8:00 pm
There is a mite that is infecting and wiping out bee colonies all over the world. Australia is the only country in the world free from this mite. We are exporting bees to the rest of the world. There is no treatment for this mite at this stage. If all the bees in the world die, they estimate the population of the entire world would be dead from hunger within about 5 years. This is why we have such strict quarantine laws in Australia and why we are free of so many diseases that affect the rest of the world. Look up apiarists and see if they want to sell you a hive.
liz down under
December 7, 2011 at 8:41 pm