If liberalism is so popular, why do green energy ideas NEVER take off? Why does everyone hate liberal ideas?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar power home
Image by Takver
About 50 people attended a rally Saturday 23 January 2010 on the Victorian parliament house steps to Save Solar Systems and build the Mildura Solar Thermal Power Plant. Adam Bandt from the Greens spoke on Why we need to Support Solar Systems Mildura Power Plant.

Solar Systems pioneeed the solar technology of mirrored dishes that concentrate light on a central panel of high-quality photovoltaic material. Due to the pressure of the financial crisis the company went into voluntary administration in September 2009. The Victorian Government promised 5million in 2006 in total funding for the project, of which only million-million has been paid.

More Information: Mildura Solar Power Plant languishes while Coal CCS technology gets fund

Speech Transcription:
If you think about it for just a moment the intellectual resources available to us here in Australia. You think about the intellectual resources you have in the workers at the Solar Systems Plant for example. People like David Turner, who if you’ve come to one of these rallies before you will see an incredibly intelligent person who has devoted their whole life to how we can make renewable energy happen.

Here at Solar Systems we had world leading technology and there is absolutely no reason technologically or resource wise why we couldn’t be leading the world in renewable energy technology.

What is lacking is the political will, and what we are seeing is people interested in investing in solar technology and building solar power plants here going offshore, and no where is that more apparent than the current administration of Solar Systems. What happens in an administration is that the administrator and liquidator comes in and says ‘How can we get the best price here and the best return for our shareholders.’ The question is not ‘How can we save the planet?’; the question is not ‘How can we jump-start Australia to renewable energy technology?’; it is ‘How can we get the best return for the multinational power company that has a huge investment in us?’

And if that means packing up half of it and selling half of it to some overseas company or to some other company that just wants the intellectual property and throwing the workers on the scrapheap, then that’s exactly what they’ll do.

And that’s why this campaign is so absolutely critical. Because what we have got in Abbotsford – what we had – is a real live example of what life in the 21st century could be like if we wanted it to be like. But instead what we’ve got is a Government at the Federal level who is intent on propping up the coal industry. And that’s essentially all that they’re doing. That’s their energy policy.

Chris gave a number of very good ways, very good examples of how we could fund renewable energy.

One of the other things we could do is stop giving billions of dollars in direct assistance to the coal industry. And that is what this Government has done since it came to power. And no-one is more responsible for that than the member for the electorate who is the Finance Minister who is the one in charge of writing the cheques, and lets have a look at some of the cheques they have written.

In 08/09 in their budget they devoted 0 million to the unproven technology of carbon capture and storage. So while you have proven solar technology happening right here in Abottsford that doesn’t get a cent, you’ve got carbon capture and storage getting 0 million of which 0 million has already gone to pilot projects in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

So those places are already getting the money, the money is not already on the table for them, it is in their pockets, the pockets of the coal companies – the multinational coal companies – they are already getting it. They have had those projects up and running and had that funding come. In the last budget, as if 0 million wasn’t enough, in the last years budget billion was given to this fantastically named "Low emissions Coal Flagship Project’ to get carbon capture and storage up and running.

At the same time they announced a thing called the ‘Solar Flagship Project’. If you were in the solar industry at the moment and you wanted to get some of this solar flagship money, if you ring up the Federal Government, the only information that is available is a press release. It is one of those classic ‘Hollow Men’ creations where they announce it and think about how to implement it afterwards.

If you wanted to get your hands on some of that carbon capture and storage money, however, they have set up a committee for that – applications for that close in August and they are going to announce this year how that billion is going to be spent amoung the carbon capture and storage lobby.

So its another classic example of this Government big on announcement but actually when you look at where the money is going, look at how they are spending it, they are spending it to line the pockets of some of this country and the world’s biggest polluting industries.

At the same time as Kevin Rudd jets around and talks about the importance of productivity you have workers effectively on the Government payroll in the coal industry. Meanwhile people like David Turner and the other workers at Solar Systems get thrown on the scap heap.

They tell us the market is going to be the solution, and when you look at the market solutions that have been proposed by this government, they can’t even get that right. The price of renewable energy credits which was meant to be the driving force in the future has absolutely plummetted because they have included things like solar hot water and heat pumps in that. As a result you have these large scale wind companies who are saying ‘We would love to build turbines here. We will go and build them down in Gippsland so that the workers can transition from working at Loy Yang and Yallourn to come over and work for clean energy’.

I’ll just say, by the way, some of the unions who are involved in this, they did a survey and found that, they asked their workers who are down there in the coal industry: ‘If you had a choice between your current job and a job in renewable energy that was at the same pay, what would you do?’ 90 per cent of them said they would rather be working in the renewable energy industry. So when you here all this talk about jobs you need to understand that actually the workers who are working down in these polluting industries themselves understand that the way of the future is renewable energy.

They tell us the market is the solution, and they haven’t been able to get that right. They say, as Chris mentioned, those days of direct funding and investing are over, but they are prepared to put in million in the last budget to funding greater roads to get more coal [inaudible]. They are prepared to do all these things. They say we don’t pick winners. Well actually thats true. The Government doesn’t pick winners. The Government is backing losers. The Government is backing losers in the coal industry and they are doing it every day of the week. And its time to say enough is enough. We cannot wait anymore to turn this ship around. It is well overdue.

Scientists are telling us we have got at most 5 – 10 years if we haven’t past the tipping point already – 5 – 10 years toget the whole planet effectively running on zero emissions. And people will say, well thats impossible to do. And people will say that we can’t act here unless everyone acts. In fact the opposite is the case.

Can you imagine the implications it would send around the world if a country like Australia within a short space of 10 years managed to get itself powered 100% by renewable energy. If a coal dependant country like ours did it, that would send shock waves around the world. That change has got to start somewhere and I’m hoping that one aspect of that is that we save the Solar Systems Plant and that another aspect of it is that at the Federal election – here comes the selfish part of the speech – that at the Federal election you come out and help us win the Federal seat of Melbourne in which this is happening.

We only need one in twenty people in Melbourne to change their mind and vote Green and we win our first House of Representative seat in a general election. Now if we did that on the back of a campaign for direct investment in renewable energy – the back of a campaign to: I’m doing something on February 14 – goto the Transition Decade launch – a project about how to turn Australia around within 10 years and get something out of renewable energy. If we can do it on the back of a campaign that is going to send a message right across Australia and right throughout the rest of the world. But actually the public is well in advance of the major parties on this issue. The public knows it is time for action and the public is going to speak up. When that happens the nexus between the Government and the coal industry is going to be broken.

They are saying that some of these things are old fashioned, that we can’t talk abou direct funding anymore and we can’t talk about transition plans.

Well I don’t want us to be remembered as the generation that was so unwilling to distort the market that we were prepared to destroy the planet. And lets just look at the amazing amount of support we have given to banks in the last little while – support which is still flowing. It was Westpac or Commonwealth Bank just recently announced they were going to borrow another billion at the generous rates being offered by the Government as part of the financial crisis assistance package to prop up the ailing home loan market.

If there is that much money available for the banks, if there is that much money available for the coal industry, there is that much money available for renewables. And it is our job to say to the Government enough is enough, its time to save Solar Systems and begin the renewable energy revolution right here from Melbourne and spread it across Australia.

Question by scooterpoop, the supreme contributor: If liberalism is so popular, why do green energy ideas NEVER take off? Why does everyone hate liberal ideas?
I mean, come on.

We’ve had electric cars since the 70s, solar and geothermal powered homes since the 80s, flourescent light bulbs since like the 20s, and the government has been begging people with billions of dollars for the last 45 years for green energy ideas.

45 years

Look around. How we doin’? How’s all that wasted money and time working out?

Pardon me for saying so, but doesn’t that prove liberals are complete morons?

What do you think? Answer below!

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13 Responses to If liberalism is so popular, why do green energy ideas NEVER take off? Why does everyone hate liberal ideas?

  1. You just asked this, and I just answered.

    Because Big Oil and its lobbyists are in charge thanks to their money in the pockets of Republican politicians (see Dubya Bush).

    Solar energy will never take off as long as it is stifled like this.

    Barney Frank 2016
    December 2, 2012 at 12:03 pm

  2. The Industrial Revolution never actually took off. It had it failures and success, but slowly it worked.

    Space Race. Failures and Success. But it slowly worked.

    Civilization. Failures and Success. But it slowly worked through thousands and thousands of years.

    December 2, 2012 at 12:57 pm

  3. Because the Oil companies make $ 30 Billion a quarter profit, and spend a lot of that money lobbying congress to squelch green energy ideas.

    You know, if you had a clue, you might be dangerous…

    scott b
    December 2, 2012 at 1:38 pm

  4. You don’t understand! This is “The One”!

    December 2, 2012 at 2:38 pm

  5. I am the proud owner of 17 solar panels, which save me money every day.

    Reality has a Liberal Bias
    December 2, 2012 at 2:48 pm

  6. Wrong. The state of Texas is now producing almost 20% of their power from wind. In ten years, Germany (the cloudiest country in the E.U.) built out ten giggawatts (the equivalent of ten nuclear reactors) of solar generated power simply by giving people a tax subsidy to put solar panels on their roofs. They had to stop the program because they had so much power the power grid couldn’t handle it.


    December 2, 2012 at 3:28 pm

  7. We’ll see how many people hate liberal ideas in November.

    Vegas will actually put their $ where their mouth is, and they favor Obama by a handy margin. Say what you want, but they are willing to put up as much as you’d like to wager that he will.

    December 2, 2012 at 4:11 pm

  8. Historically speaking, Liberalism/socialism, has failed everywhere its been tried. That’s why we are against them!

    December 2, 2012 at 4:37 pm

  9. Because along with every bright idea liberals have to save the world, it ends up costing more money then its worth to achieve.. Liberals will blame everyone and everything for their great ideas becoming failures but the facts are they are living in a world of make believe thinking that they have a better way. But with every one of their bright ideas they never sit down and figure out who pays for it. They still live in a world thinking tax dollars are free and ONLY the republicans should pay… When they find out THEY might have to pay the cost and the taxes, they blame the republicans for not paying the costs increases in their own tax dollars.
    Liberals are strange birds… Not in touch with the real world and still living in their 60’s pot filled minds where life is free to them. Sitting in a circle trying to convince the others how smart they are and how the rest of the world is so messed up.

    December 2, 2012 at 5:04 pm

  10. American electric cars failed because they were and are expensive crap.
    Toyota sells Prius and makes money doing it.
    Nissan sells Leaf (manufactured in Tennessee,engineered in Japan).

    If the public buys F-150s and Escalades what are the manufactures supposed to do ?
    Chrysler in the late 70s and 80s got into trouble because they kept building huge cars with huge engines to fill the demand for them way past the point GM and Ford saw the light.
    What did we get for it ? The K car.

    Solar and geothermal homes are a function of local building codes and availability of skilled builders.
    We cant stop people from building on flood plains in the mid-west or rebuilding in tornado zones.
    What are the Red States waiting for to rezone ?

    Compact fluorescent light bulbs are everywhere.
    Some people still have rotary phones.

    Proves the so called job creators are the morons since they haven’t taken advantage of an untapped market segment.
    Proves the Party of No are morons for opposing infrastructure programs.
    Proves people who want to keep things as they are (the definition of conservative) are morons or maybe they just like dependence on foreign sources of oil.

    Master Chief
    December 2, 2012 at 5:30 pm

  11. ROFL. Electric cars have taken off and so has solar and other green energies as well. Only cons and the fossil fuel industry hate liberal ideas.

    December 2, 2012 at 5:59 pm

  12. Conservation and being sustainable is what naturally comes about in societies that survive. If you look at aboriginal cultures like Native Americans or Pacific Islanders, they waste nothing. Societies that don’t live sustainably die out.

    Take a look at businesses. How many still use incandescent lighting? Fluorescent saves money, so everyone uses it. I wouldn’t call it wasted money, it’s saving billions per year. I think we’re about to see a wave of LED lighting take off, because again, it saves money.

    December 2, 2012 at 6:27 pm

  13. There’s a basic problem with your premise. “Green” and “liberal” do not equate to each other, and certainly not over the 45-year timeframe you are using.
    That’s a political connection that has been made relatively recently, probably because oil companies felt a need to fight the global warming idea, and allied themselves with republicans to do so.
    Republicans and conservatives used to support clean energy, and did so not that long ago.
    Richard Nixon created the EPA, and signed the Clean Air Act into law. See link:
    George W Bush passed the $ 7500 government tax credit for Chevy Volts. See 2008 news story:
    The Energy Policy Act of 2005 – the program that set up the loan guarantee program for clean energy, yes, the program giving loans to companies like Solyndra, Fisker and others – was written and passed by a Republican congress and GW Bush.
    Many of the loan recipients in that program, including Solyndra, began the loan process under GW Bush.
    More reading – “George Bush – Father of the Modern Electric Car”

    December 2, 2012 at 6:36 pm

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