I`am just starting a sheep & goat farm ( 50 animals ) any body wants to trade ideas ?

Filed under: Goats |

goat farming
Image by JustinDustin

Question by bilene100: I`am just starting a sheep & goat farm ( 50 animals ) any body wants to trade ideas ?
need good advise
i already own 512 heads of cattle and my property is 7 thousand hectares, I just would like more info on goats & sheep.

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2 Responses to I`am just starting a sheep & goat farm ( 50 animals ) any body wants to trade ideas ?

  1. Don’t. You will make no money your kids will be poor for ever and you will be a sad person. If you want to have animals and make money try dairy farming but its lots of work.

    October 8, 2012 at 4:10 pm

  2. You’re certainly doing things on a large scale, but if you want any info on sheep or goats, email me. My mom has raised goats for nearly 50 years and I’ve raised sheep for 25. I’ve written a number of articles for “sheep!” magazine, I’ve spoken at several grazing meetings on sheep, fencing, genetics and other subjects. I also design planned grazing systems for our county soil and water conservation district, write a newsletter that goes out to livestock producers and do radio programs. I’m sure no expert and I’ve made plenty of mistakes over the years, but he who makes no mistakes is doing nothing.

    October 8, 2012 at 4:29 pm

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