I want backyard chickens but have dogs that could see them no matter where I put them….?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by chrisdat
Processing 280 Chickens – Cornish Cross & Red Bros at Pete and Jen Backyard Bird’s Mobile Poultry Processing Unit

Question by Shannon B: I want backyard chickens but have dogs that could see them no matter where I put them….?
Will the chickens be super stressed if 2 or 3 huskies can see them and run by their pen when we go out for a walk? I don’t have a choice on where to put them, they must be in the front yard somewhere (I guess they are not backyard chickens then :P). They would live in the front yard in a pen, dogs in the back. But the pen could only be 10 feet away from the chainlink gates to the back…..
Lend me your expertise chicken and dog people!

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2 Responses to I want backyard chickens but have dogs that could see them no matter where I put them….?

  1. get a better gate and then your plan could work, just make sure that your dogs dont go anywhere near the pen because then your chickens will be gone.
    I had a dog that ate 2 of my chickens (it wasent my fault, i dident leave the back door open for the dog to get out and dig a hole under the pen and then get in and eat some chicken).

    Joanne Talitha Jeffrey
    May 24, 2012 at 11:01 pm

  2. I think that that would work okay. It would be stressful in the begining but after a couple weeks, the hens would learn that the dogs can not get to them. If you could cover the outside of their pen with something that would prevent the dogs and hens from seeing each other. I’m thinking like a solid barrier such as a hedge in front of the fence or maybe shade cloth around the fence. I’ll bet that the huskies will gradually get better with chickens. My dogs used to want to kill my birds but now are fine even when the birds free range along next to the dogs.

    May 24, 2012 at 11:28 pm

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