I need details of Goat farming?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by : I need details of Goat farming?
Hai, My name is shanmugharaj from dharmapuri, tamilnadu. I would like to do or start goat .I have no previous experience.Could you please let me know regarding How much land i may require to do this? How much money i may require to start and run the farm? How difficult it will be for a beginner? From where i can buy the live stock,feed etc? Which is the ideal place to do these farming in regards to labour cost,land cost,water availability,climatical conditions etc? Will i get any support from the tamil nadu Goverment in this project? How beneficial ,do you think this farming will be in financial terms ? From where i can get advice or help from experienced people in this farming? What all should i know before i start this farming other than these queries?

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One Response to I need details of Goat farming?

  1. These websites will give you a ton of good information that will answer your questions, and probably questions that will pop up in the process:


    Plant Nerdette
    March 26, 2012 at 4:30 am

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