I have been raising a baby duck, my cat brought it home? Can you potty train a duck?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by wonderferret
"I see your 180 and raise you 3 ducks in a bath"

Question by lookilue: I have been raising a baby duck, my cat brought it home? Can you potty train a duck?
It runs after us very place, but also poops every place

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5 Responses to I have been raising a baby duck, my cat brought it home? Can you potty train a duck?

  1. No you cannot – they are birds, they cannot be potty trained. You need to keep the duck outside in a pen or place it on a farm with other ducks to live.

    October 15, 2012 at 9:02 pm

  2. no it’ll be nearly impossible

    October 15, 2012 at 9:18 pm

  3. That I don’t really know but if you want to try I would suggest treating it like a kitten, you may find it easier to use a open litter box though and fill it with a suitable litter like a hay type mixture, also placing some of it feces in the litter may help, does it usually go in the same spot anyway? Try scratching it feet in the litter to stimulate it to go. Again, I don’t have any training with ducks, but just a suggestion. I also hope you plan on finding somewhere to place the duck and not keeping it in your home, it may be against the law to keep it, I do know certain wildlife cannot be kept in certain places (pigs in the city) and it would benefit from having an appropriate environment with people who know how to take care of it, especially nutritionally.

    October 15, 2012 at 10:16 pm

  4. nope, birds really don’t have the control needed to be potty trained. meaning they can’t hold it in for long… the duckling will have to eventually be moved outside to a pen… however, if it is a wild duck… it is illegal to keep as a pet…

    October 15, 2012 at 10:44 pm

  5. im sure its possible like cats and dogs birds are animals too! I would suggest watching it intently for as long and whenever you can and when you see i has to go to the bathroom put it in a kitty litter and if it goes in there give it a piece of food, try repeating this until it gets t he messae and if it happens to go by itself in the kitty litter give it a treat and praise it more. when it poops on the ground say firmly “no” or discourage that behaivor and put it into the kitty litter and say “yes” or reassure it. i think this is easier then trying to get it to go outside but i think the smae rules apply if i goes the bathroom while outside praise it and give it a treat and if it goes inside discourage that.
    hope this helps sorry so long!
    i wanna know if it happens!!!:)
    good luck
    also make sure it is legal to keep as your pet! Make sure it has proper living conditions!!!

    October 15, 2012 at 11:16 pm

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