I have a worm farm which is now full of these tiny little bugs about 1mm and are blacky orange – how do i get?

Filed under: Worms-Vermicompost |

Worm Farm
Image by amymyou
Making the worm basket to include into the aquaponics project in our pantry called Farm Fountain. We hope this will keep the water clear so we can see the fish, as well as add nutrients to the hydroponic plants and recycle dead plant material.

Question by neil g: I have a worm farm which is now full of these tiny little bugs about 1mm and are blacky orange – how do i get?

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One Response to I have a worm farm which is now full of these tiny little bugs about 1mm and are blacky orange – how do i get?

  1. Hello Neil,

    It’s better for the worms for the bedding to be too wet than too dry, but over-wet conditions are more favorable to pests like flies and mites. Try to maintain the moisture at a level that leachate just barely wants to come out the bottom but doesn’t. It’s better to water more often, and less at a time. If you are feeding mostly high moisture foods like lettuce and melon, you might not need to water at all. Eisenia fetida can tolerate a wide range of moisture, and the only problems will usually be a decreased appetite in an overly dry bin. Use lukewarm water except when the bedding needs to be cooled. Do not use chlorinated water or water from a water softener. An inexpensive charcoal filter will remove chlorine.

    Isabel R.
    January 10, 2012 at 12:11 pm

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