I have a question about between the dogs and the goats?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by edoedo: I have a question about between the dogs and the goats?
I live in country but I have noticed every time goats can’t get along with dogs.
I wonder if anyone of you have ever noticed that?
If you do , I would like to hear from you.
Seven Samurai = Yeah, that true.

Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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One Response to I have a question about between the dogs and the goats?

  1. http://www.zazzle.com/goats_hate_dogs_shirt-235903928540139177


    If the dog was not raised with goats and not used to them they will never get along, specially if there are a few dogs VS a goat herd. When you put a few dogs together the pack instinct kicks in and you got problems.

    Goats hate being chased and farm dogs have a habit of chasing or running towards farm animals. Goats freak out when something is running at them.

    Seven Samurai
    November 17, 2013 at 4:26 pm

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