I Have A Dairy Goat Question?

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Question by akcshelties: I Have A Dairy Goat Question?
I live near San Antonio TX and I would like to know which breeds of dairy goats would do ok in this HOT weather? It can go beyond 100 in the summer. Or do breeds not matter?

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3 Responses to I Have A Dairy Goat Question?

  1. you just cannot do angora type goats with long hair. we have la mancha’s and they do fine in 100 degree weather and my neighbors have nubians who also do well. just make sure you keep water out and if you can build them a shade structure or have a tree for them to be lazy under they will be fine

    August 14, 2012 at 4:08 am

  2. If you are trying to decide what breed does well in your area, you might ask around and see what local breeders have. I personally have noticed that Lamanchas, Nubians, and Nigerians (to some extent) do well in the hot weather. However, ALL breeds would appreciate shade.
    Most breeds would adjust to the heat eventually but I would not buy a goat from the Northern part of the country and bring it down in the middle of summer, you would want to let it get adjusted to the heat (bring it down in the winter or early spring).
    I have Saanens in the CA central valley where we regularly reach over 100, and they use to live where it was much cooler but they eventually adjusted. I do have to be careful that they don’t get sunburned (a saanen trait with their fair skin)
    One last note, I have noticed that goats born in the region do better in the heat. That is to say the saanen kids (who were born in this region) from my saanens which were brought in handle the heat like champs when their mothers are uncomfortable.

    August 14, 2012 at 4:29 am

  3. speaking from a technical standpoint.. all african breeds tolerate heat well..

    which are: nubian, and nigerian dwarf.. (out of the dairy goat breeds)

    I raise both.. it gets almost 100 degrees here in md in august.. and my guys do fine.. the nubians seem to really tolerate it.. which i think is really a main purpose of those ears. to release heat from the body.. such as elephants.. etc.

    i also have lamanchas they all do fine.. as said.. if they have light colored skin they can sunburn.. either suntan.. or corn starch works well. all goats need shade…

    there is a large debate on whether clipping a goat helps it stay cooler.. they say.. a long coat will keep the body cool.. because it insulates it.. but most of my nubians are dark.. (mostly black or dark brown) they would bake in the sun.. so i clip them.. and they have a maple tree to lounge under.. and cold water is the biggest must to keep them cool. i think all goats would do fine, just make sure of this.. water and shade..

    August 14, 2012 at 4:50 am

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