i have 5 chickens in my backyard and my grandfather eats their eggs…is that even good?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by L33tminion
In my very own town!

Taken at The Menagerie during a Memorial Day BBQ.

Question by bellakrisi: i have 5 chickens in my backyard and my grandfather eats their eggs…is that even good?
he brings me some all the time but i feel they are not good…they are very healthy chickens and he feeds them the best food but i just wanna know before i eat them. please tell me if is ok to eat the eggs they are tiny too not bird size a TINY bit smaller than normal brown eggs.

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9 Responses to i have 5 chickens in my backyard and my grandfather eats their eggs…is that even good?

  1. You are SO missing out if you don’t eat those eggs

    Once you eat “fresh” eggs, you won’t want to go back!

    You know the eggs you get in the store, with the expiration date, are already about 30 days old?

    I have had chickens on and off in my adult life, and I always ate their eggs. The yolks are huge, and it’s just such a “clean” taste.

    Sometimes you *may* see a spot of brown when you cook them, it’s a protein deposit (not blood), nothing to worry about, but scrape it out if you don’t want it.

    Long story short, go enjoy the best eggs of your life!

    September 30, 2012 at 7:15 am

  2. Well, you are the best judge of your chickens.

    I can’t see why they wouldn’t be healthy, and I assume your grandfather seems in fine form?

    I would rather eat the eggs of chickens I know, then from some mysterious source as found in the supermarket.

    Happy Penguin
    September 30, 2012 at 7:40 am

  3. im sure they’re fine, of course they’re smaller these are natural chickens they’re not feed all the crap egg company’s feed they’re chickens

    September 30, 2012 at 8:19 am

  4. You’ll also notice that the yokes are much darker that supermarket eggs.
    Don’t let that bother you…Fresh eggs are great.
    Let them set in the fridge about a week or so if your going to boil them.

    September 30, 2012 at 9:03 am

  5. Yes, it is very good to eat those eggs. In fact, it is better to eat those eggs than to eat conventional eggs from the grocery store. Egg laying hens from factory farms live in very unsanitary conditions, and the eggs are often exposed to dead, sick, injured and otherwise unhealthy birds before they reach you. As far as egg size goes, eggs can vary in size depending on the age of the bird. I buy my eggs from the farmers’ market, and when the man I buy them from first started selling them (ie, when the birds were just starting to lay eggs), the eggs were smaller. The birds are more mature now, so the eggs have increased in size. I’ve also heard that chickens do not lay as much in the winter time. I don’t know if that affects egg size, but I imagine that it could. The bread of your chicken may also play a role. All of this aside, just wash the eggs (not to much, since egg shells are slightly porous), and enjoy the healthiest eggs you can get!

    September 30, 2012 at 9:41 am

  6. Fresh eggs from your yard are so much better than store bought! You have to remember how much steroids are pumped into those chickens at large farms! They are into for the big eggs! But bigger doesn’t always mean better! I have 32 chickens and when they first start to lay eggs they are small but in due time they get bigger. Some chickens just don’t lay big eggs. Do you know what kind you have? Some of my eggs are brown with little brown dots on them. Some are all white. You can get their shells stronger by feeding the chickens oyster shells. If you don’t get your eggs daily a nice way to tell if they are past the eat date…….put them in a bowl of water and if the egg floats – its bad!

    September 30, 2012 at 10:02 am

  7. You don’t know what you are missing. Try them and you will see

    September 30, 2012 at 10:24 am

  8. Are you kidding me. That’s the best kind of egg you can get. If you are wondering if they have been out too long, just put them in a bowl of water. If they float they are no longer good. I had three hens in my yard and was getting on an average three eggs a day. Everyone I know got fresh eggs being as I’m not going to eat 90 eggs a month. I had to find them a new home due to the fact that I really wasn’t supposed to have them in town limits and somebody turned me in. They live on a hobby farm now. Really sucks though, they didn’t do anything bad, they just ate bugs and grass and laid eggs. It’s perfectly ok for my neighbors parrot to sit on the porch and scream all day though. Ha Ha

    September 30, 2012 at 10:58 am

  9. They’re perfectly fine. I have hens too, different breeds lay different colors and sizes but all are nutritionally the same. It’s always good to know where your food is coming from.

    professor grey
    September 30, 2012 at 11:12 am

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