Hydroponic Tomatoes, 4 Micro Varieties And My Indoor Winter Garden 2010/2011

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www.tomorrowsgarden.net In this video I show 4 different varieties of micro tomato plants growing in deep water culture hydroponics. I also show sage and lemon basil in hydroponics. I have a few other goodies growing in dirt as well. My goal is to see which tomato does best and stick with that for indoor growing. Last year I did roma tomatoes and they were huge monsters and difficult to deal with indoors. Update at this link: www.youtube.com

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21 Responses to Hydroponic Tomatoes, 4 Micro Varieties And My Indoor Winter Garden 2010/2011

  1. hey im growing the micro tom this yea rtoo! wow! ive never seen anyone grow them! yay! im happy! you like the way they produce?

    September 15, 2012 at 3:45 pm

  2. good video i have growen tomatos with just t8 growm light from menards they worked great but i had to have them really close to plants have u tryed that
    it might be cheaper i seem to have good yealds too

    September 15, 2012 at 4:12 pm

  3. I would highly recommend not using “dirt” for your planters ,,, you need a soil less mix or “potting mix” Dirt is probably the worst thing you could use for almost any plant

    September 15, 2012 at 4:27 pm

  4. I’m new to growing inside. Will I need to back the light cycle back to 12/12 to start flowering? ty

    September 15, 2012 at 4:45 pm

  5. I’ve been using small rockwool cubes for the Aerogarden and I just trim them to fit the plastic holders. Works great.

    September 15, 2012 at 5:44 pm

  6. Sleestaks—are you kiddin me, Hanna & Barbara, Land of the Lost. Thats me I remember that. 75,76,77 or somewhere in there. I was a big fan. Cool stuff I love it.
    Question– I have an Eurogarden and was wondering if you have a homemade replacement for their foam plugs that go into the plastic cups. I have tried sponges and they do not absorb water all the way to the top like the eurogarden sponges do.


    Lester D. Howell
    September 15, 2012 at 6:12 pm

  7. They seem to be the exact same as the larger variety but they are not full grown so I don’t know how much nutrients they will suck up. Will soon find out.

    September 15, 2012 at 6:36 pm

  8. Great video! Thanks for posting this one. I can see that you’re indeed a passionate grower because you take the time to experiment on the kind of plants that can bring you better results. I really liked your idea of growing different varieties of micro tomatoes. In fact, I was not really familiar that there are these kinds! I’m just curious, is it harder to grow micro tomatoes than the normal sized ones? Are there any differences in nutrient intake? Thanks.

    September 15, 2012 at 7:33 pm

  9. They are fast growers. One of them started to get flowers today. 35 days from seed and it has flowers…insane.

    September 15, 2012 at 7:44 pm

  10. I also have some tiny tims going. How do you like them so far?

    September 15, 2012 at 8:22 pm

  11. It’s an experiment. If it fails then I never will show it. If it works then I’ll show it. So far it’s working great.

    September 15, 2012 at 8:52 pm

  12. So i thought i would just ask…. Whats in the top secret thing?

    September 15, 2012 at 9:51 pm

  13. Haha. Yes, I covered the name on the seed packs to respect his privacy. I had 99.9% germination with his seeds and will get more from him for next year. Hope you get moved in time to get a garden going at your new place.

    September 15, 2012 at 10:23 pm

  14. I know where you got those tomato seeds 🙂 good luck

    September 15, 2012 at 11:17 pm

  15. The nutrients were just a little too strong for them being so small and burned the leaf edges. I made them a little less than half strength but it was still a little too high for the tiny tim tomatoes.

    September 16, 2012 at 12:01 am

  16. I’ll be making it after the holidays. I’ll be using that overdriven light on it since it’s long and covers that whole area. Then I’ll move it outside for the summer.

    September 16, 2012 at 1:01 am

  17. Grow some cannabis!!!

    September 16, 2012 at 1:09 am

  18. so what causes the “burning” ? my mint plants look like that

    September 16, 2012 at 1:27 am

  19. looks great. When are you making the lettuce raft? Im considering doing a raft with lettuce and spinach. Are you going to use the overdriven fl. light exclusively for the raft? By the way love the sleestak with the netty pot hat. lmao

    September 16, 2012 at 1:54 am

  20. THis is too cool. I tryed that. I took a clone from a plant i had outside(cherry 100 from cali). But all it did was grow green. I was useing a simple 5-7-5 organic fertilzer at a low level(ppm500).

    September 16, 2012 at 2:47 am

  21. Maaaaaaaaaaan those roots are HUGE !

    September 16, 2012 at 3:06 am

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