how to stop male ducks from singling out one male duck to beat up?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by boo: how to stop male ducks from singling out one male duck to beat up?
group of ducks raised together from the eggs, never a problem with fighting. now the males gang up on one male and beat him up to the point of severe injury. removed the injured male, and now another male is getting beat up in his place.

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2 Responses to how to stop male ducks from singling out one male duck to beat up?

  1. this is normal as male ducks want to be the leader and the newcomer is not welcome. If they ducks are yours, separate the one that they pick on, or get rid of him.

    Mary Smith
    September 26, 2012 at 2:59 pm

  2. He’s right it’s a dominance issue. Unless you get rid of all but one of the male ducks this will continue. You might try adding some more females so that the distribution of males to females is more comfortable, promoting less competition, or separate the males into mated pairs. Good luck, I know how aggravating this can be. One question though: are they kept in a pen or are they free in a large area? Small spaces can also prompt violence.

    September 26, 2012 at 3:33 pm

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