How to raise baby ducks?

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Question by : How to raise baby ducks?
I am going to get some baby ducks to raise until they get big then im going to let them go in a pond in my neighborhood there are already some wild ducks living in the pond. i need to know what is the best type of breed of duck to put in the pond and how old should i let the duck go?

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3 Responses to How to raise baby ducks?

  1. I todally under stand my naibers have duckes so I now sum wut good. ferst get a nice big lamp and a box put the lamp ofer box and turn it on then take a boll and go put left overs or seeds and place it in the box. now take a boll and put water in it and put it in the box or if you have a dog feeder cleen it and do the same. now this is the inportent part chics don’t now how to drink so take them and put there beeks in the water for 1 secent do this intell you see them eat .I also have chikens so I NOW WUT I’m dowing but good luke . and it dusent rilly mader wut kind of breed but if youer woreade get alabama duckes. and trust me there rilly fun

    September 22, 2012 at 10:49 pm

  2. I dont think sherry knows how to U should get mallards cuz they migrate and other ducks like pekins khakis and many more dont migrate ans u will need to keep them in a shed in the winter. So get 2 mallards.2 cuz if u only buy one they will not knowhow to fit in with the others and they do get lonly as ducklings. I am currently raising 47 chicks, and 6 ducklings.stick them in a box with,a heat lamp and a bowl of food and water. They should have pine shavings at the bottom. And if u care for them right they will be able to relese in about 2-3 months. U will probably get attached to them and keep them tho cuz they will thinkx u r their mom and they will love u and not want to leave. But good luck.

    September 22, 2012 at 11:41 pm

  3. Keep your duckling inside for the first four to five weeks of its life. It can be kept in a cage or playpen, provided the mesh is strong enough not to get pecked. Provide an artificial heat source, such as a heat lamp, if you do not have the mother duck. Clean duck droppings from the enclosure daily.Move your duckling outdoors after five weeks if the weather is warm. Provide it with a shelter from the elements, such as a lean-to or a small dog house

    Provide your duck with plenty of fresh water. They are messy drinkers, so clean the water dish daily. Always provide water at meal times, as ducklings need it to wash down their food and can choke without a water source.

    Feed ducklings prepared feed that has 20 to 22 percent protein for the first five weeks. Game bird starter feed works well for young ducklings. Change the feed to one with 16 percent protein after that time. Game bird grower feed works well for older ducklings.

    Provide your ducklings with fresh chopped vegetable greens, such as mixed greens or weeds out of your garden, after they have reached five weeks of age.

    Prepare a water source for your ducklings to swim in after they are four weeks old. A small children’s pool works well. Place terracotta planters upside down in the water source to provide a place for the ducklings to rest while swimming.

    Handle your duckling regularly to get it used to human contact. This will make the adult duck a far more pleasant pet.

    Good luck!

    Bird Owner
    September 23, 2012 at 12:33 am

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