How To Raise Baby Chicks?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture
Taken by Li Tang

Question by Elizabeth: How To Raise Baby Chicks?
We are going to go pick up 4 baby chicks and this is my family’s first time owning baby chickens. We have wood chips, a water filter dispenser thing designed for young chicks and a metal food bowl with little hole things for individual chicks if you know what I mean, and a heat lamp. We also have grits for the digestive system. I am looking for a walkthrough or like steps from the car ride to when they are grown. You don’t have to write a novel on raising chicks or anything, just a summary but details are crucial for me. I have 2 dogs which are mini and like to bark A LOT and I live in a modern neighborhood and just an urban settlement. Thanks!

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2 Responses to How To Raise Baby Chicks?

  1. In the car ride let the box sit on someones lap and and make sure to always have the heat on. When you get home gently pick them up one by one and put them in the cage thing. The thing about the metal feed bowl with the holes in it is they will step in it and poop on their food which really isn’t something to worry about until they are bigger. If your dogs are nice then slowly introduce them to the dogs and mini but after they are about a week of age. Handle your chicks everyday!! this is vital if you want them to be friendly when they grow up! And for food and water you can either buy medicated chick feed or a electrolyte supplement for their water personally i just use the electrolyte supplements. You can take them outside when they are about 3 and a half weeks of age and they will start laying at 5 months. Good luck! 😀

    December 9, 2013 at 5:08 pm

  2. You need a book on how to raise chickens there is too much information for this format. If you want them to survive and be healthy get a book from your feed store. You are taking on the responsibility of living creatures who are totally dependent on your knowledge to raise them with care.

    December 9, 2013 at 5:34 pm

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