How to get grass to grow where it for some reason won’t (in a chicken lot)?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by sierravalleygirl

Question by LtheprodigyH: How to get grass to grow where it for some reason won’t (in a chicken lot)?
As you can probably tell from the question I have chickens. They are fenced-in inside a certain area of the backyard. Inside this part of the yard grass will not grow what so ever! As some may know grass and green plants are vital for the health of many animals including livestock and poultry. However, in this case grass, weeds, flowers, and anything green will grow anywhere that is not inside the chicken lot. Why? I am not quite sure. All I know is that whenever I dig up a tuft of grass and bury it inside the fence hoping it will grow and spread my birds feel that they should eat off all the blades and dig up the roots which in turn doesn’t help me with this situation. Yes, there is a sufficient amount of sunlight that the grass requires inside the lot so I don’t know what the problem could be.
@lib.rare.ian Thanks for the info but it at least seems like there’d be a sign of green somewhere. Also my flock lives in a chicken “house” that cannot really be moved like a coop since it is not something that is mobile.

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2 Responses to How to get grass to grow where it for some reason won’t (in a chicken lot)?

  1. You’ve already answered your own question. The chickens scratch the earth for food, and the grass is destroyed. Traditionally, the coop is moved periodically to a new section of yard. The chickens will enjoy the greens in the new yard till they scratch it bare, and then it is moved again, and grass will grow in the old spots once the coop is moved.

    November 29, 2013 at 2:48 pm

  2. Since you say your chicken pen cannot be moved easily, try this. Using a large basket or other container without a bottom (you only want it to keep out the chickens) place this inside the chicken fence. If the chickens can fly up and get into this container, put some netting or a piece of chicken wire over the top. You will want the container open to the sunshine. Buy some oat or wheat or grass seed and plant it inside this container. Keep it watered and let it grow until it has a good start. If you have another container start another one when the first one is nearly ready. Move the first container so the chickens can get to the green stuff. Try to keep one growing all the time. We used to raise chickens. It is true that they will scratch up anything growing in their pen. They want & need the green stuff and will really appreciate it. When we used to clean fresh corn or any other fresh vegetable we would give all the waste to the chickens. They do love it.

    November 29, 2013 at 3:37 pm

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