How to get a 6 pack at home?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by Karen Roe
The BT Artbox Story
The good old British phone box was designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott to commemorate King
George V’s Silver Jubilee.
This year we’ve got a Diamond Jubilee and London 2012 to look forward to, so we decided we needed to do something to celebrate.
That something turned into BT ArtBox. It’s a campaign that thrives on the nation’s artistic talent.
Across London’s streets you’ll find replicas of the Gilbert Scott phone box, transformed by the
imaginations of some of our very best creative minds.
Then later on we’ll be auctioning all the boxes off to raise money for ChildLine’s 25th anniversary.

“The Poetry of Life”
Artist: The DnA Factory
Location: Old Spitalfield’s Market

This sweet scent of memory,
green hills and pleasant seems
the cool dew in distant dreams of birdsong,
nostalgia bathes the scene,
And my heart belongs to thee.

Within this soft and satin world
these tears will dry and leave no stain,
as rain implores the sun
to kiss your hair, your face and hands
a feather’s touch upon the skin.

Of diamond edge and gilt refrain
a pledge of life and love,
to the follower of dusty trails
across the sea, the land, the sky
the Seeker seeks and so will Find.

Mighty as the Queen of Bees
gold dust heavy on silver wings
a diamond hard, will cut it seems
fair and foul and fair again
uphold the laws of majesty.

We journey long, as far as eyes can see
beyond which, time is light and air
all full to brimming through Englands green,
rose tint in the mirror sheen
romance the fire and melody.

Of suns rise and sets full
moons and stars all things forgot
just look beyond the here and now
the dream is all, safe and warm
in hope, for peace and charity of soul.

For here is Life and Love and All You Ever Dreamed Of.

Question by Desk: How to get a 6 pack at home?
Yeah so i have puppy fat atm, and still growing, but once i get rid of it i want to have a mad 6 pack. So i want to know how i can get a 6 pack at home, using nothing that is specially made for that purpose. Like what activities can i do to get a 6 pack like sit-ups and stuff. Or what can i use as potential gym equipment in those activites?

Thanks in advance.

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6 Responses to How to get a 6 pack at home?

  1. Go to Youtube 🙂

    December 18, 2012 at 1:57 pm

  2. exercise.

    December 18, 2012 at 2:08 pm

  3. Well chances are you alread have one its just covered in fat.
    Run a bunch and it will slowly become more defined.
    then when you can see it (while flexing) do a bunch of ab wokouts so they get more defined.

    December 18, 2012 at 2:15 pm

  4. F u c k all the people who ask that question. Go watch those hundreds videos about six packs. You are really f u c k i n idiot b i t c h. I hate you. You p i s s me off.

    December 18, 2012 at 2:32 pm

  5. First thing you should do is burn your calories then you can follow these links i’ve listed here:
    Best of luck for you!!

    Om Shahi
    December 18, 2012 at 3:31 pm

  6. Don’t learn from videos online unless you can recognize bad form when you see it.
    “Bad form” six-pack can look like protruding ugly bubbles like you’ve been beaten by half a dozen bees.
    Also, do not focus on your abs…do whole body workout as even with nice abs, you don’t look good if you have no pecs, and you have skinny arms, scrawny legs and a flat butt surrounding your nice 6-pack.

    If you’re still growing, mind your soft fragile growth plates when weight training (they’re at the end of your bones).

    Do not do sit-ups as they can hurt your back and they do not target the abs efficiently.
    You’re using your hamstrings and hip flexors to perform 2/3 of the exercise, eventually leading to lower back pain. You would get better and safer results with crunches…3 seconds up…3 seconds down…slow enough to reach the deep muscle fiber so you don’t need to do endless reps. My tempo is 2 seconds up, 2 seconds down for reverse crunches. The slower you can do it, the better.
    You can also do planks (those are so hard, I don’t even do them…I’m a woman, I don’t want a six-pack).

    Do only one set to muscle failure (until you would lose good form).

    You need a day or 2 of rest between weight training sessions (in your 20s and younger), 2 or 3 days (30s), 3 or 4 days (40s)…and so on. The older you get, the longer you have to wait for DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) so you can repair stronger and not interfere with your healing.

    2 hours after a high carbs meal is best. You can eat anytime after as soon as you get hungry (high protein snack or meal).

    Even at home, you still have to get (or make if you’re good at building things) some minor exercise equipments, for efficiency, safety, convenience, comfort…
    I bought a $ 100 sturdy and stable weight bench as the alternative would be to use a chair that can tip over and send me to the emergency room.
    I could not do crunches without my ab exercise bar (with cushioned neck support) that really supports the head so you don’t strain your neck as your head is too heavy for your neck when you’re trying to maintain a 45 degree angle (it’s about $ 17 at Amazon…it’s just a cushioned bar so your arms are holding your head while you can concentrate on your abs).
    I use a 1.5” thick book, wrapped in a small towel, to do heel raises as you don’t want to use a 7” stair step, slip and need surgery on your Achilles heels.

    For guys, I recommend to get a good quality doorway pull-up bar (chin-up bar), the kind that you screw in the frame of the strongest door frame in your house, not the kind that’s supposed to hang somehow and keeps falling (now you can go on YouTube and watch some hilarious videos). You can do a lot of different exercises on those…for your arms, your back, your abs…

    Betty B
    December 18, 2012 at 4:02 pm

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