How to Compost : Learn Organic Garden Composting Online : How to Tell when Compost is Ready

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How do you know when your organic compost in your compost bin is ready to be used as fertilizer for plants in your garden? Find out in this free organic gard…

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9 Responses to How to Compost : Learn Organic Garden Composting Online : How to Tell when Compost is Ready

  1. I throw my compost in my flowerbeds during the fall whether it’s ready or
    not. It won’t do any harm, because it’s spread out over all my beds.

    June 23, 2014 at 3:42 pm

  2. 6 months to 2 years?! Mine is ready in 90 days at most.

    June 23, 2014 at 4:37 pm

  3. how do I know what order in which to watch these videos??? I’m a beginner,
    so I’d like to start from the beginnings if that’s possible. Thank you.

    Heek Heeky
    June 23, 2014 at 5:14 pm

  4. to montana and benji, If you have mostly leaves(carbon) than it can take 6
    mos or longer. just post some compost video

    June 23, 2014 at 5:56 pm

  5. u must be real lazy tu turn iy coz it only took me 3 months,lol

    June 23, 2014 at 6:28 pm

  6. The length of time it takes for compost to be ready delpends on what you
    put in the ccompost heap, for example I used loads of Oak leaves and theey
    can take 2 years to break down and yes I do turn the heap, but after 2
    years it looks like black peat and is wonderful soil conditioner

    June 23, 2014 at 6:36 pm

  7. yeap, it also sounds to me like a little too long. I guess it also depends
    on climate, here in Mexico it’s ready in a couple of months in summer and
    three months max in winter. Your design is interesting, but a bit
    unpractical for turning, as the ready-to-be-used compost is lying at the

    Selva Viva
    June 23, 2014 at 7:34 pm

  8. lady its not 6 months-2 years its betweeen 2 months-4 months… I’ve dont
    this for 3 years

    June 23, 2014 at 8:07 pm

  9. ha! then it takes about 2-3 years? My GOD! I rather just pile it up on a
    corner of my propery and let it work it self, whithout me caring for it.
    Let nature work on it as she pleases! Then why are we using the CONTAINER
    TO DO THE COMPOST??? What a waste of money , time and energy!

    Lucia Lazarte
    June 23, 2014 at 8:25 pm

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