How much money can be made from farming in Pakistan?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by : How much money can be made from farming in Pakistan?
How much money approximately is needed and can be made through farming in Pakistan? (Sugar Cane, Maize, Dairy farming, Goat farming etc). How much land space is needed to start off~? Any other advice is greatly appreciated, i really want to move to Pakistan Punjab and start a dairy/poultry/cattle farm or any other cash crop farm.

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One Response to How much money can be made from farming in Pakistan?

  1. Don’t. Why don’t you just start farming in the country you’re from which I’m guessing is America. In Punjab, India, it’s mainly agriculture. Depending on how much land you have and etc is what determines how much you make. The only thing is, if you move there, you won’t be making that much in return compared to how much you would make here because their currency is shit.

    April 4, 2012 at 4:10 am

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