How much does a small farm really cost?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by Farm Girl: How much does a small farm really cost?
Long story short, I really want a farm. I want to be able to raise my own chickens and ducks(already have them) and cows, sheep, goats, pigs, turkeys, etc. I mean, I know because money is kinda tight around my family but my grandma has 40 acres of land and I’m not going to be able to have like 50 of each, but is there a way to have a small farm on a budget? Thanks in advance!
Ps- what are the pros/cons to having your own small farm?

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3 Responses to How much does a small farm really cost?

  1. Depends where it is. You can buy small farms for less than $ 50,000, or you can pay a million dollars or more. The major con to having your own farm is that the animals need care 365 days a year. If you aren’t going to be there every single day, and probably twice a day, you have to find(and perhaps pay) someone to look after them for you.

    Karen L
    December 14, 2013 at 4:43 pm

  2. There is ways to have small farms on a budget. From my past and present experiences we only raised animals that we could use for food. Chickens for their eggs and meat cattle and sheep for meat and offspring. We slaughtered our own animals to which saved us money. We hardly ever bought meat at a store and during the summer months we had a garden which meant we only had to buy fruits and veggies during the spring and winter months and on occasion during the summer and fall to buy what we didn’t grow.

    Pros: Doesn’t cost as much to run a smaller farm as it would a larger farm
    Less work = More time

    Cons: Limited space Harder to expand

    December 14, 2013 at 4:46 pm

  3. To add to what others said, you may want to read a book called, “Five Acres and Freedom.”

    December 14, 2013 at 5:18 pm

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