How long till I start seeing results with this workout?

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Question by I SPEAK ONLY THE TRUTH!: How long till I start seeing results with this workout?
I’ve worked out before but not like continously like im going to be doing now. Every day i am going to do this workout.

60 Bi curls
50 push ups
100 sit ups
20 pull ups
20 chin ups
30 tricep lifts
25 calf raises
30 squats

how long till i start seeing results. Im 16 by the way and play basketball pretty much everyday.

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8 Responses to How long till I start seeing results with this workout?

  1. you need to do it every other day. otherwise you will not see any results and youd just hurt yourself

    id say about 2 weeks

    That guy
    January 19, 2013 at 5:38 am

  2. it depends on what results you are looking for if it is weight loss, a week or two if you are trying to build muscle then 3 or 4 weeks

    Madison D
    January 19, 2013 at 6:00 am

  3. I did quite a bit less than that and i was seeing results within three weeks. Keep at it, and spread your workouts up between upper and lower body training. Do upper body workouts one day and the next do lower, that way you don’t tire yourself out. Also be sure to eat a lot of foods with protein in them, and if you want to get more protein try drinking protein shakes.

    January 19, 2013 at 6:20 am

  4. Depends on what results you’re looking for… the number of reps are WAY too high for strength or building muscle.

    As already mentioned, every other day at the most. Your body builds muscle when you rest, not when you work them.

    Rob S
    January 19, 2013 at 7:02 am

  5. dude that won’t do much except build endurance but only fractionally. You need to first off never work the same muscle group two days in a row. If you want strength lower the reps to the 6 – 10 range for 3 sets and up the weight till you almost can’t finish the set. More importantly is your nutrition. You you way more than you need for a day of clean foods you will make massive gains (never having lifted intensely before your body will respond very quickly)without fat gain due to your high level of activity. when you go the gym, ask the experienced people to help critique your form and for some help on finding the right rep range. No one will make fun of how much you lift, we all were like that when we started.

    Matt S
    January 19, 2013 at 7:07 am

  6. with any workout, you must include other essential things such as:

    eating right, and watching what you put in your body
    getting enough sleep, which should be 8-10 for your age for optimum results
    and drinking plenty of water

    also, results vary with the person, and depending these things as well as the form of your workout. doing it every other day may be a better plan. resting is just as important

    good luck tho

    January 19, 2013 at 8:03 am

  7. I think your lifting too light. To be able to do 60 bicep curls means the weights too light. So I’m thinking your probably doing like a 10lb armbell. You need to push that up to 30lbs and curl that about 5-10 times. Push ups…..this is more of a cardio thing, just do this on the regular. Same with sit ups. Chin ups are very useful on building up back muscle. I say do until you can’t do anymore and do sets of those, not just doing it one time and stop. tricep lift, same as your bi curls, your doing a load that’s too light, your not going to build muscle, you’ll build endurance. calf raises, again too light. 30 reps of squats, again too light a load. Do sets of 3 with a repetition range of 7-10 with a weight that’ll limit you to that rep range. then you’ll see improvements.

    January 19, 2013 at 8:43 am

  8. 4 weeks

    to lose weight u need to eat right and have a workout plan 5-6 days a week.u have to want it.
    ***try this u need to change ur diet.
    eat six times a day. ea of ur 3 main meals needs to combine a lean protein such as chicken breast ground turkey turkey bacon egg whts also combine that with a complex carb such as a baked potato or sweet potato wild rice brown rice oatmeal or girts. also add fresh fruit and vegies to lunch and dinner. pick fruits low in sugar like pears and berries. if u get canned vegies get ones with low sodium. eat every 3-4 hrs keep ur metablism moving.
    ***also the most important part is WATER drink at least 64oz. no soda or juice. water will curve ur cravings.
    u need to hit cardio 3-4 times a week running outside it great workout if u can hit a gym and cardio machine is great at least 30mins***
    also add weight/strength training 3 times a week.u can google free weight traning guides anywhere. its not hard to find things for free. also for those wanting sexy hot abs. a nice toned stomach comes from a body with low body fat. so if ur overweight and u do a million crunches or any ab workout you r wasting your time!!! cant see the muscles under fat. low body fat equals=a nice flat toned stomach.
    ***plan ur meals ahead of time.always have a healthy snack with u so u wont be tempted to eat fast food. also if u wait to late to eat u will get so hungry u will eat the world. make time to work out start out with 30 mins then increase.its ur body treat it right. ur diet alone can help lose weight but working out makes ur body look good. shows muscles and tight skin which is sexy and beautful. stick with it ur body will amaze u!!! to be healthy and look great u need both in ur life. good luck

    kayla m
    January 19, 2013 at 9:39 am

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