How long do I broil chicken wings?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by -Jeffrey-
The Delaware Agricultural Museum Association was formed by a group of people dedicated to preserving the agricultural heritage of Delaware and the Delmarva Peninsula. The Museum opened its doors to the public in August 1980. A main exhibit building and fifteen historic structures associated with a nineteenth century farming community bring the fascinating story of agriculture to life. More than 4,000 artifacts are displayed in the main exhibit building – from butter churns to threshers, from an eighteenth century log house to the first broiler chicken house.

From the Delaware Agriculture Museum website

Question by Heather: How long do I broil chicken wings?
Also do I have to use a broiler pan or can I use a cookie sheet?

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2 Responses to How long do I broil chicken wings?

  1. Whenever I would ask how long to cook something, my wise chef instructors would always say “until it’s done!”

    Cookie sheets should work fine. Make sure they have a bit of an edge on them or else the juice/sauce may drip and make a mess.

    November 27, 2012 at 12:48 am

  2. 30-40 minutes
    use can use a cookie sheet

    November 27, 2012 at 1:04 am

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