How long do Cayuga ducks usually live with first time duck owners?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by francescominciotti
And the story goes: the Duck race is a a non-competetive, in aid of charity contest that take place, every year since 2005, in several cities all around the US. You can «adopt» a rubber duck (as the ones shown in this picture) and, if your duck places on the first five positions, you’ll win a prize.
This year, our duck was number 131.254!
As shown in the coming pictures, the huge load is dumped from Columbus bridge into Chicago river from a yellow truck, and then the huge group is pushed from a firefighters boat with firehydrants, till they reach the finishing line, right before the Michigan av. bridge.
The whole thing is about charity, as the money raised (5$ for adopting a duck in the race, and some merchandising that is, indeed, very cool, such as the two ducks shown on the pictures, named Alfredino and Alfredone) go to the Special Olympics. You can learn more on the official website.

Our duck — it goes withouth saying — didn’t win a thing, but our deepest enjoyment of the entire contest.

Great, great idea!

Question by Eminem Lover: How long do Cayuga ducks usually live with first time duck owners?
I am considering getting a pet duck. I know I have to get two or more already. Are there any significant details other than they are quiet and can’t fly? I would like to know as much as possible before getting one. I think they are really cool looking and sound like GREAT pets. I would also like to know if they follow you around and love people!!

Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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2 Responses to How long do Cayuga ducks usually live with first time duck owners?

  1. . The Cayuga duck has dark brown eyes, black shanks and toes, except in old drakes where some orange shading may appear. Ducklings have black plumage. For exhibition presence of white color in the outer plumage is a disqualification. It is also well liked by many as a great yard pet as they tend to stay close to home.

    For those who wish to keep ducks, but live close to others that would make keeping the Pekin breed impractical because of the loud quack, The Cayuga duck may be an alternative as its quack is not as loud or frequent as the Pekin. The temperament of the Cayuga is docile, and adult Cayuga Ducks enjoy eating snails, slugs, and most other insects.
    8-12 yrs some can live to…………………….

    The Cayuga duck will more often sit on and hatch her eggs than other domestic breeds of duck. Incubation for the eggs is 28 days. When using an incubator the temperature should be 99.5 °F at 86% humidity for days 1-25, and 98.5 °F at 94% humidity for days 26-28

    November 16, 2012 at 1:28 am

  2. Don’t know much about keeping ducks, just babysitting them occasionally when farm-sitting for friends. As for following you around, they will if you have raised them from tiny chicks or ESP if they have hatched out using an incubator and imprint on you right off. Have you done allot of research on poultry forums yet? You can get answers & info from people who are currently keeping them & like to share what they know. Check the links below.

    Your question gave me a laugh—-How long do [they] live w first time duck owners? Not sure what answer you are looking for…, they move out after 18 months, or after 3 years they retire to Florida? LOL, sorry. Hopefully they live their entire natural life w you & your family.

    Don’t get these ducks only because you think it will be cute for them to follow you around (that definitely is cute!). The novelty of that will wear off. Only get them if you enjoy the work of taking care of them. Even when you’re tired, busy, would rather do something else, when it’s cold, snowing or raining you still have to tend them. Do some research on home flock health issues and locate a vet who is familiar with domestic ducks.

    November 16, 2012 at 1:31 am

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