How long can I cook a frozen chicken boob?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by dreyboblue
This Pork Chop is so moist and simple that your kids might even mistake it for chicken…Start with lean, boneless chops..Dry season pork chop with Trader Joes’ Poultry Seasoning..Place in Broiler Pan and Broil till done crispy brown on the top, or grill on George Foreman Grille 7-10 min or until done.
Peel, section, carrots and beets, chop purple cabbage into small wedges and steam in steamer basket with 1-2 inches water. When you can stab the beet easily with a fork its done.
Fried Rice…Pre-Prepare Cooked White Rice.
Cut Raw Bacon into 4-5 small pieces each..Fry, set aside, crumble..
Chop Red Bell Pepper, Red Onion and Celery bits. Mix together..cook on med-high in the hot bacon grease till finished/browned..Pile it on a plate and go to town!!

Question by : How long can I cook a frozen chicken boob?
I got a chicken cordon bleu at the meat department….its a chicken boob with some cheese and asparagus in the center (looks like it was done at the meat department). I brought my groceries home and stuck it in the freezer when putting my groceries away.
Question is, can I cook it from frozen or do I need to thaw it? And for how long and at what temp?

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5 Responses to How long can I cook a frozen chicken boob?

  1. Cook it until it is done.

    March 28, 2013 at 1:40 am

  2. I would thaw it in the fridge.
    Cooking any meat from frozen takes longer and the outside gets over done and dry by the time the inside is done.
    with your stuffed boob, the inside might not even heat up by the time the outside is finished.

    March 28, 2013 at 2:22 am

  3. You need to thaw it first… Cooking frozen chicken is a big no no unless you want food poisoning….

    March 28, 2013 at 2:25 am

  4. Defrost in a covered dish, in microwave, till no longer frozen 4-5 minutes. Continue to cook medium temp for 10 minutes Chicken cordon bleu is good with rice.YUM = )

    March 28, 2013 at 3:15 am

  5. So first read the packaging that it came in. they might have some thawing directions. the best way is to thaw the chicken cordon blue first so the cheese an asparagus filling can cook all the way through. When baking the chicken cordon blue after it has thaw’d an it soft in the middle pre-heat your oven at 325 degrees. Once the oven is ready put the chicken cordon blue in an set the timer for about 22-25 mins. you want to set the timer so that u can check the internal temp of the chicken filling so its above 165 degrees for cooking chicken/poultry. when u check the internal temp of the chicken breast insert the thermometer into the fat part of the chicken breast to assure a proper temp reading. to make the skin it a little more crispy on the outside set it under the broiler for about 5mins on low. Good Luck an Enjoy.

    Stephen Y
    March 28, 2013 at 3:38 am

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