How do you calculate the square feet of a 10 foot garden circle that needs 2 inches mulch in it?

Filed under: Gardening |

square foot gardening
Image by Campobello Island

Question by leeflea: How do you calculate the square feet of a 10 foot garden circle that needs 2 inches mulch in it?
I’m starting to make beds for spring planting and cannot remember how to calculate the square foot of a circle esp. when I have to take into consideration the two inches of mulch needed.
thank you,

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One Response to How do you calculate the square feet of a 10 foot garden circle that needs 2 inches mulch in it?

  1. area of circle pi x radius^2
    3.14 x 5^2
    3.14 x 25
    78.5 sqft

    Volume of mulch
    area x height

    78.5 sqft x .16667ft
    13.08 cuft

    Brian E
    January 19, 2012 at 10:20 pm

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