How do I start my square foot vegetable garden?

Filed under: Gardening |

square foot gardening
Image by Mad Mod Smith

Question by NamNam: How do I start my square foot vegetable garden?
I’m starting a square foot garden, and am planning on growing lettuce, tomatos, strawberries, peppers, beans, maybe carrots, and cucumber. I’ve NEVER had a garden before, and I need to know EVERYTHING. What should I do about soil? I’m building 3 boxes (more like frames) that I’ll be putting in the yard over really stoney ground. But I’m planning on filling the boxes with soil (if this makes any sense) so I need to know:

what type of soil I should use,
when should I start planting,
how should I plant them? I’ve heard of starting the plants in pots inside, then moving them to the garden when they’re a bit larger. Or is it better to grow them right in the garden bed?

I’m planning on growing tomatos, do I need a pole or something for them to grow on, or do they grow on the ground?

And any personal tips that you have would be amazing also! Thanks in advance, and sorry if the question seemed scattered.

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2 Responses to How do I start my square foot vegetable garden?

  1. You’ll have to make those boxes at least 3 feet deep or you will still have to amend the stoney ground soil. The deeper the boxes can be , the better. I know it’s expensive, but the trex decking or composite decking would last much longer then any wood product you plant to use to make your raised planters. Fill with 3-way topsoil and add extra compost and maybe even a little well rotted manure (from an organic source would be ideal).

    You can plant cool season plants now (lettuce, peas, spinach…). Wait until after you frost date has passed before you plant tomatoes, beans, cukes…

    Buy the biggest tomato cages for your peppers and tomatoes. You’ll find if you cheap out and get the small caged, your plants will outgrow them in a hurry and you’ll have wasted your $ $ $ .

    February 16, 2012 at 3:55 pm

  2. Plant anything is usefull to you

    February 16, 2012 at 4:03 pm

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