How do I increase egg production without buying more chickens?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by Ano Lobb. @healthyrx
D’Artagnan, the araucana chick (we think).

Question by ShadowFire: How do I increase egg production without buying more chickens?
I have 12 chickens, one of whom laid three eggs last year and then quit. So ideally, I should be getting 8-11 eggs a day, but it’s more like 5-10. I feed them Layena Crumble from Purina, and they get plenty of calcium. They have plenty of room in my backyard to run. How do J increase production?

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2 Responses to How do I increase egg production without buying more chickens?

  1. It would depend on breeds. I have two hybrid birds and get two or three eggs a day depending on how long the daylight lasts.
    I feed them layers feed, I don’t look for a specific brand name.
    My sister has speciality hens and like your they dont lay often.

    October 30, 2013 at 9:04 am

  2. maybe more light
    ive heard they don’t eat,drink or lay in shorter darker months
    hatcheries put light with the chickens so they lay more and often
    also depends on the breed

    October 30, 2013 at 9:42 am

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