how did the turkeys know exactly which room i was in and window i was under?

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raising turkeys
Image by BioDivLibrary
Turkey raising
New York,Orange Judd publishing company; [etc., etc.]1922.

Question by Tammy M: how did the turkeys know exactly which room i was in and window i was under?
when we moved onto this property we moved two trailers on at the same time, but for several years we lived in only one of them. during the last year and a half or so of the time we lived in the one, i raised two turkey toms from babies. when you raise turkey babies individually you must give them lots of love and affection and attention if you want them to live, lots of motherly nurturing. i even would put them in a little make up bag lined with a paper towel at night in bed with me to sleep when they would cry non stop (no worries the bag was not closed) and they would go right to sleep as though they were under their mom. i guess they imprinted on me even though they were past hatching. they would go everywhere any one of us went, getting in the middle of anything we did, talking constantly to us. as they got older and their feathers began to come in they took pride in displaying them (it was very cute to see their tiny feather being displayed) and strutting. somehow they knew what the words handsome boys meant and as soon as anyone said those words they began to strut for you.
anyway, one evening after they had gone to roost, i went to the other trailer (mom and dad had already gone over there the day before). my room was not set up yet so i went to bed on the couch which was under the north window in the living room. the next morning i was awakened by the turkeys, calling me. they were standing directly under the window i was sleeping by.

1. how did they know i was not still sleeping in the other trailer as i had the whole of their lives? did they know exactly what window i was under since i was sleeping and not talking and all the windows were closed?
lol claptic…you made me laugh you did…astral turkeys, huh…well, whatever they were, i was certainly blessed to know them…they were special boys they were.
jasmine…i did not go from the old trailer to the new trailer til they had gone to roost for the night. and where they go to roost for the night it would be impossible for them to see me.

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2 Responses to how did the turkeys know exactly which room i was in and window i was under?

  1. This is an exciting story. I am first thinking smell…. do turkeys have a superior sense of smell perhaps? Second I am thinking astral turkeys…… yeah … I’ m gonna say astral turkeys.

    August 25, 2012 at 1:17 pm

  2. Turkeys are actually smart birds, silly when you see them on your dining table. But at one time turkeys were one of the options for the usa’s national bird, along with a vulture and the eagle. They had probably saw you walking into that room and remembered you were in there.

    jasmine mcdevitt
    August 25, 2012 at 1:50 pm

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