Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by jalexartis

i just saw a video of a cow just draining blood… and other sick things. why can they make the process less painful? why do these asses have the right to do this? and to the chickens? assholes. whats your opinion?

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  1. People have eaten meat for millions of years. Killing animals is how we get meat. It will probably not change anytime soon. If you have a problem with it, stop watching PETA’s videos.

    May 5, 2013 at 1:26 pm

  2. They are not mean to animals. The blood is not drained until after the animal is dead – it is killed by a shot to the head. It’s a virtually instantaneous death. The animal doesn’t feel any pain. Many humans aren’t lucky enough to have such a quick, painless death. Remember that cattle and chickens and so on are man-made species that wouldn’t even exist if we hadn’t developed them from wild ancestors in order to eat them. They’re only here at all because of us – surely it’s better that they have life followed by a quick death than for them not to exist at all?

    If you watched this video on a PETA website, they probably didn’t show the animal being shot before its throat was slit – they do this sort of thing all the time to dupe gullible people into giving them money. Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge supporter of animal rights, but PETA are just plain liars. Don’t believe anything you hear from them. Do some research for yourself and decide what you personally feel is acceptable and unacceptable based on established facts rather than what someone else has told you.

    May 5, 2013 at 1:50 pm

  3. it is painless, they are stunned first instantly unconcious don’t feel a thing.

    in the UK and most parts of the US animals are stunned and blood is drained. abbatoirs make every effort to be humane as possible and processes are overseen by a vet.

    i thought it was nasty and cruel when i was younger but i’ve grown up to realise it’s actually not that bad.

    strict veggie, but that’s becuase eating dead things is creepy.

    i reccomend you do a bit more research around the topic and you’ll find out it isnt as bad as you thought.

    i reccomend “kill it cook it eat it” from the bbc. it’s very impartial and informative. try to stay away from things that are going to but a vegan slant on it, like PETA. they spread horror stories.

    there are bad abbatoirs in some parts of the world, which is why you should always check where your meat came from

    welfare of animals whilst they’re being raised is alot more of a pressing issue than anything else, if i was you i’d have a read around factory vs organic farming

    have fun learning 🙂

    ps answer mine everyone?;_ylt=AjxLtu4oLBRfybnsuIzJqLjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090513160253AAMpV9p


    Lauren F
    May 5, 2013 at 2:03 pm

  4. I don’t know what video you watched, but it seems entirely natural to me that you should have trouble watching animals being killed, in what ever way they might be killed.

    I hear a lot of rationalization, denial, and defensiveness in the answers you’ve had to your question so far. I’m not surprised by this, I think our society (not all human societies, but those in urban developed environments) is pretty disconnected from nature and our feelings about it. We have a disfunctional relationship with the processes that have been set in place to get our food on our tables, including the slaughter of animals.

    To me, morality consists in taking personal responsibiliy for our actions. This is the reason I am a vegetarian. I don’t like killing animals (and I have) so I don’t eat them because I wouldn’t be willing, on a regular basis, to kill them to get them on my table. This is a personal decision, and I expect everyone else to make their own decisions about this, I’m not an evangelist when it comes to not eating animals. I’m not against killing animals and eating them, I’m just not interested in doing it myself. But I understand that our society has a pretty serious moral/psychological dilemma with this. Not eating meat is my small attempt to resolve that moral dilemma for myself.

    Hope this makes sense. You’re not wrong to feel upset by the images you saw, as almost all the other answerers have suggested. But it’s a complex issue, more than just the sense of revulsion – it relates to the core of a lot of important social, psychological, and moral issues.

    Hope this makes sense, and helps your thinking about the issue.

    dr. d.
    May 5, 2013 at 2:57 pm

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