How can my 11 year old sister raise money by the end of the year for her camp? The most helpful answer wins.?

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Question by For: How can my 11 year old sister raise money by the end of the year for her camp? The most helpful answer wins.?
My 11 year old sister is planning on going to camp Fire bird (awesome camp), and wants to raise the money herself. It’s about 3,000 $ for 3 weeks. Any ideas? (She has to enter her submission before 2012.)

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2 Responses to How can my 11 year old sister raise money by the end of the year for her camp? The most helpful answer wins.?

  1. honestly, I think it is kinda too late to start saving now because it is almost 2012. Sorry. But if you really want to try, sell cookies at school, sell really nice beaded braceletes and necklaces (the nice beads not the cheap ones) or even sell washer necklaces! They are super easy and a hit! sell the washer necklaces for about 3$ each

    March 16, 2013 at 3:09 am

  2. Hi there….one fundraising event that happens around my part is a duck race…plastic yellow bath ducks floating down about 100 meters of water (small river). They sell the ducks for 5euro a piece. Numbers, race numbers etc are given an alloted place. This fundraiser makes a mint. They have a bbq and a bouncy castle, face painting etc. all for nothing and still make a mint. Targeted for families with small ones in a park like setting. Families still bring a picnic but it’s a family day out. AND THIS IS A REALLY SMALL TOWN. Happens about the 2nd weekend of June. Always brilliant weather.

    Good Luck

    March 16, 2013 at 4:08 am

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