How can I tell if my goat is pregnant?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by BarbaroLva: How can I tell if my goat is pregnant?
I have a 3 year old Alpine dairy doe, and we have been trying to breed her. She came into heat on the 22nd, and we went to a farm to breed her. She was extremely nervous and we ended u ptaking the buck home that day. I am pretty sure she got bred at least once, but I can’t be sure. It has now been about 23 days and I’m pretty sure she didn’t come into heat, or I could have missed it. Is there anyway I can tell if she is pregnant?

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4 Responses to How can I tell if my goat is pregnant?

  1. You cant really tell if shes preg unles you know she hasnt came into heat. And with in 5 months you will know that she is bred or not. It takes 5 months for a goat to have a baby or babies. Usally they have 2 but can have up to 4-5. We had an older one that had 4 babbies but 2 passed away. We own 25-30 goats. Got any more questions add me and send me an email. Good luck!

    November 16, 2012 at 4:24 pm

  2. the only way u can is that she will be fat and be kind of bypolar.

    November 16, 2012 at 5:01 pm

  3. If your doe is not around a buck now her heat cycle may not be as noticable.

    The only way to be for certain is to get your vet to unltrasound her at 45-60 days or draw blood for a pregnancy test at around that time frame. You send the blood sample off to Bio Tracking for analysis.

    November 16, 2012 at 6:01 pm

  4. You can call your vet and see if they know of anyone who can do ultra-sounds. You’ll have to wait a couple months or more depending on the type of machine they have and how good the tech. is. You can also draw blood and send it in. Your vet should know where to do this or can find out for you.
    These things are expensive and probably not worth it in your situation. You can do this. Look at her vulva. You might even want to take a picture. Then watch it. I can usually tell about about 2 months if they are bred but it might take you an extra month. The vulva will get a bit “saggy” looking and a bit puffy. By 4 months anyone can see the change. Does that are having a false pregnancy usually don’t show this. Some people claim to feel the kids. I never have been able to for certain in the 28 years I’ve raised goats, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done, just that you are usually feeling the rumen.
    Does bred this late in the season may not come back into heat even if not pregnant.
    If you doe has never been bred before it can be very difficult to get them bred due to fat deposits around the ovaries.
    But, generally speaking, goats only take one breeding to get pregnant.

    November 16, 2012 at 6:26 pm

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