How can i make my dane grow taller?

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Image by Looking Glass
Art installation at Level 17 Artspace, Vic Uni

Question by majnu: How can i make my dane grow taller?
He is now 11 months and he stands 34″ at shoulders. Is he going to grow more taller now? Please give me some tips on his diet.

I right now feed him on home cooked food. Giving him flour malt + milk thrice a day. ( mixed flour of brown rice, jowar, wheat, few other pulses ) AND I FEED HIM CHICKEN once in three days.

Please let me know if the commercial food(packed) have any significance in huis growth. But as far as his health is concerned……he is doing great, but i think if i switch him to red meet , he will improve his fur coat condition better.

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7 Responses to How can i make my dane grow taller?

  1. Why do you want him to grow taller? People who breed Great Danes for height usually end up causing them a lot of health problems in effect. It’s cruelty.

    Why not just love him for the size he is? You can’t really do anything about it anyway. As big as he gets will be as big as he gets no matter what, just like with humans.

    June 24, 2013 at 11:31 pm

  2. I don’t know much about what you’re feeding him, I think you may need to consult with a vet about his diet.

    However, about the growing…
    I got this from about great danes..

    The male shall not be less than 30 inches at the shoulders, but it is preferable that he be 32 inches or more, providing he is well proportioned to his height. The female shall not be less than 28 inches at the shoulders, but it is preferable that she be 30 inches or more, providing she is well proportioned to her height.

    At 34″, He is already at adult height, I don’t know why you want him to grow taller

    June 24, 2013 at 11:35 pm

  3. First off, people on this site desperately need to learn the diff between has and have.
    But to answer your question, if you wanted a giant of a dog, you should have gone to a breeder who specializes in extra tall great danes. I don’t think there’s anything you can do to change what genetics already have.

    June 24, 2013 at 11:42 pm

  4. He will grow as tall as his genetics tell him to, based on his breeding. He is already at the normal height requirement for a male Dane. He will likely continue to grow in height for at least another 6 months and possibly longer. After that he will fill out.
    He is a Dane you do NOT want him to grow fast. Also the diet you are feeding is very inadequet to meet the needs of any dog especially a Dane. The grain content is way too high and doesn’t provide adequet nutrition and feeding chicken once every 3 days is very inadequet. If you are going ot be feeding a homecooked or raw diet you need to do it correctly. Learn more about it. This dog should be receiving less grains and more meat/bone. Meat should be daily not a few times a week.
    If you are unable to correctly feed a homecooked or raw diet please switch to a high quality kibble such as Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul, Wellness, Canidae, California Natural, Premium Edge, Percise, Blue buffalo just to name a few

    Dane Lover
    June 25, 2013 at 12:08 am

  5. Well, if you want him taller you will ad to health problems that can happen. He is tall enough for his breed and to large will take from longevity of his life. Do you want a healthy dog or a dead dog.

    Gentle Giant Canines
    June 25, 2013 at 12:11 am

  6. Hi Ujju!! Most dogs will get their height and length during their first year of life. Filling out can take as long as 3-4 years after that depending on the dog and it’s genetics and breeding. I would imagine that he is almost at the end of his height growth by now. Is a height increase possible? Veterinarians know the irreplacable link between nutrient intake and health and height. Your dane must probably gets a balanced formula of protein, carbohydrate,
    fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
    The best advice I can offer to you is to see your a vet as soon as possible.
    Good luck, Jason Homan

    Jason Homan
    June 25, 2013 at 12:19 am

  7. Hello. Here is exactly what you need to know.

    Great Danes have a maximum, pre-programmed height associated with their genetic code. They will reach this height between 24 and 36 months of age. While there is nothing you can do to increase this, there are things you can do to maximize it to its potential.

    First, quickness of growth does not equal eventual height. Second, coat is a sign of a healthy dog and is acheived through food high in oils (simply pour a little olive or peanut oil on his food). Third, if you are feeding dry food, make sure it has glucosomine and chondroiton for his joints as he grows. Fourth, if you are feeding mostly fresh food, make sure to include vegetables as they help them process the meats. Fifth, if you mix red meat in initially, do it over the course of a couple weeks. Finally, don’t cage them. They won’t grow as much if you confine them.

    There is really no problem with growing a Dane to its maximum potential. The biggest problem comes in at how quickly you do it. 34″ at 11 months is quite simply very tall. This indicates you have been feeding too much protein. Your Dane won’t grow more than it was programmed, so don’t force it… just maximize. Give it a well-balanced diet, excercise, and freedom of cage.

    June 25, 2013 at 12:56 am

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