How can I keep my orphaned guinea pig babies alive?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by starburstrocker77: How can I keep my orphaned guinea pig babies alive?
Hello. My guinea pig, Gizmo, had a litter of three. Sadly, she died when the babies were about three weeks old. I’ve consulted two vets and a few petsmart employees, and they said they would be fine, just make sure they get food, water, vitamin c, etc. Well, I’ve done that, I don’t think it’s working. My babies are so skinny. Any advice? I heard maybe goats milk would help them, I don’t know. Anything would be great. Thanks so much.

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2 Responses to How can I keep my orphaned guinea pig babies alive?

  1. Baby Guinea Pigs are ordinarily weaned at 3 weeks. Yours should be fine without their mother.

    They should not need any goats milk

    Make sure they get Guinea Pig pellets.
    -2 tablespoons per pig 2 times daily, discard the uneaten pellets.

    Try some dark green leafy vegetables
    – spinach, kale, romaine or leaf lettuce.

    Try this web-site

    Steve O
    May 12, 2013 at 4:18 pm

  2. No goats milk or dairy at all-give them unlimited alfalfa hay and a high quality pellet-also give them green leafy veggies for vitamin c. Look over at and
    Please make sure your males and females are separated, you do not want another litter. Most likely your guinea pig died from complications of the birth. Be sure to weigh your pigs weekely so that you can keep trak of changes in weight. This will alert you to problems before the pigs actually show signs of being ill.

    May 12, 2013 at 4:37 pm

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