How can I increase my breast milk and how will i know if my baby has diarrhea or just newborn poopy diapers?

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Question by cutiemutie9: How can I increase my breast milk and how will i know if my baby has diarrhea or just newborn poopy diapers?
He’s drinking similac soy formula between breastfeeding but it seems like he’s pooping more than usual, will he get dehydrated? is this diarrhea? what should do? switch to goats milk?
He is 7 days old

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5 Responses to How can I increase my breast milk and how will i know if my baby has diarrhea or just newborn poopy diapers?

  1. Depends on how old? Usually breastfed newborns do not poop a lot. There body uses every bit of the milk and creates no waste. When you are giving both formula and BM bowel movements will change. If he is is eating a good amount as recommended do not worry about dehydration.

    To increase your milk flow you need to pump in between feedings. Do not miss a feeding. The more you demand, the more you will produce. Make sure you are taking in a large amount of liquids each day. If you are not taking any fluids in it will be hard to produce milk.

    February 2, 2013 at 4:19 pm

  2. well first off, how often are you pumping and why is he getting formula in between feedings? One sure way to increase your milk is to let him eat only from you whenever he is hungry. If you are needing to supplement due to health issues, you should still be pumping whenever he is eating from a blttle-you need to stimulate your production by pumping or having him eat every 3-4 hours.

    Babies don’t poop as often when they are breastfed because breastmilk is almost completely absorbed it’s normal for a breastfed baby to go up to 7 days without pooping. The formula may be causing some digestive problems. Diarhea is really runny like water, breastmilk poop is very seedy-like and amlost a yellowish color.I wouldn’t switch to goatsmilk until he’s at least 1 yr. old. Ideally you should be feeding him only breastmilk.

    February 2, 2013 at 4:38 pm

  3. if he is a newborn baby, how exactly do you know he is pooping more than usual? he is probably just adjusting to the soy formula. if it is diarrhea, trust me, you will know it, no questions asked. and a couple of ways to increase your breast milk supply:

    -massage your breasts
    -when breast feeding, make sure and switch breasts during feeding
    -pumping actually helps increase your supply quite a bit
    -just breast feeding on a daily basis on a consistent level will help your supply increase….just give it a little bit of time.

    February 2, 2013 at 5:33 pm

  4. I’m not sure about formula, but breastfed babies should have at least 6-8 really wet diapers per day. If you are getting that much, then the baby should not be dehydrated. But if it is diarrhea, you should keep a close eye out to make sure that he keeps getting enough liquids.

    “An occasional stool that’s looser than normal for your baby is nothing to worry about, but if your baby’ bowel movements suddenly change — that is, he poops more than usual and passes looser, more watery stools than usual — then it’s probably diarrhea.”

    Lots More info is available here:

    Increasing Breast milk:
    The breast will make as much milk as is demanded. The more milk that removed from the breast, the more the breast will make. So if you stop using formula and go full out breastfeeding, within a few days or so the milk supply will increase to meet the baby’s needs. Having the baby eat more often will also help speed the process along. Alternatively, you could pump out breast milk (after he breastfeeds, or if you are at work or something) and store it, achieving the same result.

    Severus Snape
    February 2, 2013 at 5:54 pm

  5. Well the formula is what is keeping your milk supply from going up. Take a nursing vacation and just nurse nurse nurse. the more your baby feeds from you, the more milk you will make. try pumping in between feeds too. newborns may poop a lot one day and slow down the next. it’s normal for them to have soft or runny stools. if it’s mucousy and has a harsh foul smelling odor, it’s diarrhea. Try to cut out the formula feedings and just nurse him

    Cohen's mum back again
    February 2, 2013 at 6:07 pm

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