How can I find sponsors to help us in building a self sustainable organic farm?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

Question by Destiny: How can I find sponsors to help us in building a self sustainable organic farm?
We will produce gourmet veggies, fruits, and herbs; all organic. I will also makes soaps and bath & body products..
How does a nobody like me find people who want to help? Or people to possibly.. invest somehow?
I was thinking of asking for donations from the public and then keeping track of them and refunding their money with produce, and/or soap..

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3 Responses to How can I find sponsors to help us in building a self sustainable organic farm?

  1. One possible way to get started is to try and become a provider for a food coop that delivers locallly grown produce to people in the area. The one below I just happen to be participating in for the first time this weekend at the recommendation of several coworkers.

    June 8, 2013 at 8:11 am

  2. Hit the pavement and ask. Develop a business plan and have lots of meetings with wealthy and green people in your region and ask them for money. That said, do know that farms have a horrible return on investment and likely the best you will be able to do dividend wise will be to give the investors shares of food from the farm when it is up and running. And this, my friend, is called Community Supported Agriculture. But with this kind of CSA you will not have a lot of say in how you will run the farm because you will have investors who have every right to call the shots and likely will in order to protect their investment.

    The other thing you can do is get a loan from a lender like Farm Credit Services. That is how I got the money to buy my sustainable farm to grow over 75 different heirloom and gourmet fruits, vegetable and herbs here in Ohio 5 years ago.

    June 8, 2013 at 8:46 am

  3. You could try starting a blog in blogger or wordpress and have a donate button there. You could put a video diary of your progress on youtube and add them to your blog. You could also put an ad on there for a partner.

    If you take on an investor make sure you do your due diligence on them so you don’t get ripped off.

    June 8, 2013 at 9:07 am

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