How can i build a solar heater for an above ground pool?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar water heater
Image by Shira Golding

Question by gmstet: How can i build a solar heater for an above ground pool?
I’ve heard tha t a solar heater can be built using some type of metal that heats up quickly in the sun, you can then use some type of hosing to snake it thru the metal like a radiator i just don’t know what kind of metal or tubing.

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3 Responses to How can i build a solar heater for an above ground pool?

  1. a neighbor of mine used his roof and 2″ black flexible PVC hose.

    Instead of looping from the filter right back into the pool….he took the output from the filter and ran it through about 80-120 feet of 2″ black flexible PVC tubing over the roof of his house. If you have a 2 story home, this is not an option as the pump will not pump that far up…..this was a 1 story ranch.

    The tubing over the roof will absorbe enough radiant heat which will be transferred to the water in the hose……Without any extra expense except the hoses and couplings (about $ 90)…he was able to maintain about 78-82 degree water.

    the more hose on the roof, the more heat transfer…..the heat transfer can be adjusted by minimizing or mazimizing how much hose lays on the roof……..

    keep an eye on your filter motor that it doesn’t over heat…..if the motor is getting too hot, you may need to either RAISE the filter so the pump is pumping to a lower relative altitude or increase the pump size.

    Jeffrey F
    December 4, 2012 at 1:16 pm

  2. Jeff F’s neighbor has the right idea, but the tubing doesn’t have to be on the roof of the house. I’ve seen it used on the back of the fence surrounding the pool. Just position it on the part of the fence that receives the most sunlight, and remember to incorporate a method of bypassing the solar collector in case the water in the pool becomes too warm.

    December 4, 2012 at 1:17 pm

  3. you can run the size tubing thought your Attic also . you can build a thin box,interior painted black, Snake the black hose back and forth through it covered with plexus class for safety All thought you can find old used glass doors being thrown out, 3x 6 , the class for a cover

    December 4, 2012 at 1:43 pm

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