Hoop House Survives Minus 6 Degrees

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The hoop house has survived minus 6 degree temperature and continues to grow. A look around at some of the shrubs in my garden that have fruit this time of year for the local wildlife.

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12 Responses to Hoop House Survives Minus 6 Degrees

  1. Thank you very much. I use kale in many different ways and this particular variety is wonderful because it doesn’t have that fibrous centre rib going up the middle of the leaf. Also we have had some very cold weather,minus 14C, and it is still looking great in the hoop house. I use it in soup, pasta sauce, and steam it or boil it to have as a side vegetable dish. It has great flavour and is full of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants.

    July 9, 2012 at 4:35 am

  2. Sorry I thought I replied to your comment earlier. I don’t have that particular book but I do have a copy of his book, “Four Season Harvest”. I wonder if he ever opens his gardens to the public? He isn’t that far away from where I live.

    July 9, 2012 at 5:19 am

  3. Thanks for sharing. Have you read, Eliot Coleman’s book, The Winter Harvest Handbook”? If not you may find a lot of good info about utilizing your hoophouse in the winter for crops.

    July 9, 2012 at 6:09 am

  4. I thought everything was metric in the UK.

    July 9, 2012 at 6:50 am

  5. ha, dont worry the uk is still on the old system too!

    July 9, 2012 at 7:49 am

  6. Waterbeds are useful and I loved mine but had to give it up years ago due to an issue with my back. 0 degrees C here this morning and lots of snow on the ground.

    July 9, 2012 at 8:18 am

  7. Thank you. Yes I usually quote temperature in degrees C, I slip up every once and a while and use F living here on the US border it’s easy to get confused Canada is metric and the US is the only country that I know of that still uses the old English system.

    July 9, 2012 at 8:25 am

  8. Woohoo… a plastic igloo ! When you quote temps, you’re doing celsius, right? Those trees and berries are beautiful.

    July 9, 2012 at 8:59 am

  9. Brrrr! This week the furnace went out, it took a few days to figure out it was just the batteries in the thermostat. At least now all the leaks around the windows are patched : ) It was amazing that only two heaters were enough to keep everything at a good temp! Oh, and waterbeds are very useful!

    July 9, 2012 at 9:41 am

  10. Rowan tree… I have loads of them and they are stripped in hours, sometimes so fast we haven’t even had a chance to see them in their prime. Greedy birds.

    July 9, 2012 at 10:37 am

  11. That’s a good idea Brendan I hate weeding. We got about 10 inches of snow yesterday, no rain and today’s high was minus 2 so it hasn’t started to melt. The forecast is 10 degree weather this weekend so I’m dreaming of bare ground for next week. I think the birds here are spoiled there is so much wild food available in the fall there are hundreds of wild Mountain Ash, you might know it as a Rowan Tree, and they are loaded with large clusters of berries that last well into winter.

    July 9, 2012 at 11:14 am

  12. I’m amazed by those berries. The birds here (my garden) watch the berries ripen and, at the exact moment of prime eating, they clean a bush or tree out in hours. No saving for a rainy day here… I have those birds spoiled. Anyway, if I were you I’d think about covering the empty beds in the hoop house with cardboard or landscape fabric to stop weeds appearing before Spring. I am trying the cardboard outside as well because starting the season with a big weeding session is getting annoying.

    July 9, 2012 at 11:48 am

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