Homeschooling child- to protect their innocence?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by Gary_Troughton
This was without doubt, the best honey that I have ever had – from bees that had made a nest in the roof of the church, and had resided there for at least three years. When bee keepers removed them, over 100lbs of honey was collected and jarred. This "limited edition" honey was then sold to raise money towards the restoration fund for the church.

Question by Eli: Homeschooling child- to protect their innocence?
I have a friend who has a 12 year old son, she is homeschooling him and he is basically with an adult 24/7.

He doesn’t have very many friends because she is scared they will corrupt him, so she keeps him away from anything sexual or violent.

I understand what she is trying to do, because its true, kids are learning about sex and violence and experimenting at much younger ages then they used to but I also think this is going too far.

What should I say to convince her to let him live a little?

He seems very upset and is beginning to become rebellious.

I don’t want to tell her how to raise her kids because this is a sensitive subject for most parents especially her. I am a pretty free spirited type of person and I think that once a child starts asking questions or once they turn 8, you should have the ‘birds and bee’s’ talk.

Raising them like this will only make them more rebellious in the future.

But like I said she is a very good friend and I know she is just doing what she thinks is best, so what should I do?

Feel free to answer in the comment section below

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10 Responses to Homeschooling child- to protect their innocence?

  1. And sending them to public schools means, they will not be rebellious? This parent is wise to closely screen her child’s interactions with other children. One of the worst facets of public education is the indiscriminate mixing of children from all sorts of backgrounds and family situations.

    Kids do need to play with other kids and hang out, but they are much better off by spending more time supervised, and with adults.

    Plus, he is getting a better education, hopefully, and certainly without all the drama that does on in most schools. Our society is currently best described as insane, and the woman is doing something to help her child escape some of the madness. It may or may not work, as values have to be internalized, but she is doing the best she can.

    November 4, 2012 at 2:04 pm

  2. Point out to her that one day he’s going to have to live in that real world she’s trying to protect him from. The later she leaves it to encourage him to go out and make some friends the poorer his social skills will be. And in reality it’s our relationships that really make us happy.

    November 4, 2012 at 2:20 pm

  3. There are many OTHER reasons to homeschool a child as well.

    You should leave it alone. She has already made her decision and regardless of what you do, she won’t change it.

    November 4, 2012 at 2:23 pm

  4. i think there isn’t much you can do deary she wants to “save” her child she has a right and shes very lucky to have time for home schooling
    and as far as social skill that will be a issue
    but let me tell u how long is she going to do this look at it this way conception is part of human cycle so sooner or later he will find out on his own
    and last but not least what is mom going to do open up a college and university franchise

    November 4, 2012 at 2:35 pm

  5. “What should I say to convince her to let him live a little?”.

    Nothing. You may not agree with your friends choice, but it’s her choice for her child. As long as it’s not abusive or neglectful we all have the right to raise our kids as we see fit.

    Don’t say anything to her or you will risk losing a very good friend. She may dislike your parenting choices too but minds her own business.

    You Can't Handle The Truth.
    November 4, 2012 at 3:14 pm

  6. I knew someone who was home schooled and she still got involved with sex.

    My question please…;_ylt=AkC4na7b5rUlI1brDTNXnsjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110123011817AA9DrCg

    November 4, 2012 at 3:21 pm

  7. No offense to you, but please don’t feel compelled to do anything at all about this.
    You have many “ideals” that you listed up there… things that you think should happen in particular orders, particular ways, and by particular ages.
    Best to practice those ideals with your own children.

    November 4, 2012 at 3:33 pm

  8. I always think it’s a bit strange when parents home school their children.
    Kids will have to go out into the real world eventually, and if they’ve been home schooled all of their life without much interaction with kids their own age they’ll have a hard time functioning in society.
    Is there any way she can just send him to a private school so there might not be as many problems as public schools have? Maybe a religious school or something?
    Most kids go through public school and turn out fine….I don’t want to offend anyone, but I really think that home schooling kids is kind of selfish and you’re really doing a disservice to them if you do it without having a real reason to.

    November 4, 2012 at 4:04 pm

  9. You should let her do what she thinks is best for her child, and raise your children how you see fit.

    Organized Chaos
    November 4, 2012 at 4:08 pm

  10. *Sigh*
    It’s always a shame when parents homeschool their kids in an attempt to keep their “purity”.
    They have to grow up,it’s inevitable,and unfortunately there isn’t anything you can do if she’s going to be close minded about it.:/

    November 4, 2012 at 4:48 pm

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