Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle in West-Friesland

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Holstein-Friesian is a breed of large dairy cattle originating in northern Holland and Friesland. These cattle are believed to have been selected for dairy qualities for about 2000 years. Many farmers favour them because Holsteins produce more dairy products than any other dairy breeds. However, it contains less butterfat than that of other breeds. When the Dutch colonized New York, they brought their cattle with them, but after the colony was ceded to the British crown and English settlers brought their own cattle, the Dutch cattle disappeared. The first exportation from Holland to the United States was in 1795, but the largest importations were made between the years 1879 and 1887. The Holstein-Friesian cattle are usually called Holstein. Some Holsteins are black and white, while a few are red and white. Nederlandse koeien waren in de 19e eeuw populair in het buitenland vanwege hun hoge melkproductie. In de Verenigde Staten werd met Nederlandse koeien verder gefokt. Deze koeien kregen de naam Holstein-Friesian. In de tweede helft van de 20e eeuw kwamen deze Amerikaanse afstammelingen van Nederlandse koeien terug in Nederland omdat ze inmiddels meer melk gaven dan de Nederlandse rassen MRIJ en FH. Sindsdien is de zwartbonte Holstein-Friesian het belangrijkste koeienras in Nederland en het meest verspreide melkveeras in de wereld. Het ras Holstein-Friesian bestaat uit twee kleuren; zwartbont en roodbont. De zwartbonte koeien worden “Holstein-Friesian” genoemd en de

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2 Responses to Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle in West-Friesland

  1. not a lot of pepal know what this cattles names is 

    September 15, 2012 at 10:29 am

  2. And in the ’50’s the Friesian-Holland (FH) cattle in Netherlands/Germany got worse with udder problems and such, they imported the American Holstein-Friesian (HF) genetics back from the USA/Canada to mix them with FH. Now the whole world has high-productive FH cattle.

    September 15, 2012 at 10:41 am

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